Chapter 318 Severely Ill


Nicole couldn’t help but laugh when she saw how flustered Julia looked. “Pfft!” Nicole burst out in laughter. “I’ve already waited for half an hour, so a few minutes doesn’t make much of a difference.”


Julia rested her chin on her hand and quickly got down to the main issue. “You’re looking for me because of Old Mr. Benedict, right?”

Nicole nodded in agreement to her deductions. Julia had initially assumed that it was related to Olivia, and she thought that Nicole wanted to apologize to her, so she quickly waved her hand. “Olivia’s temper has always been bad. I’ve already ranted to Richard, so it’s fine. I’m your friend, so I’d never betray you!”

Nicole beamed as she looked at the big-hearted woman before her eyes. “You sure are a generous person.”


“I’d do anything for a friend, wouldn’t I?” Julia grinned as she spoke.

guy. Richard stood up for you at dinner earlier, so you

she nodded proudly. “Of course. Richard has always been a friendly man, but he becomes especially manly

to stop the woman once she started talking about her man. “Alright, alright. You can praise Richard

her face when she heard Nicole’s words. Then, with a serious expression, she looked at

it, so I can’t be much help. Nevertheless, Master White had a lot of good

want to understand Old Mr. Benedict’s condition so I can ask those friends about it. It’d be great if one of them had the confidence in treating the

approached her about this issue, so she pulled out a bunch

this. This is Old Mr. Benedict’s medical records. I’ve

files. “I can’t believe you have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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