Chapter 367 Useless


“What idea?” Colton probably didn’t even realize the gentleness in his voice.


“Since Pierre is coming at me, he’ll get green-eyed if I have some form of medical achievement. That way, things will be much simpler,” she explained.


At that, she continued with a smile, “Isn’t there a pandemic in Espad lately that has forced the country into a full-on lockdown, and there’s a team in our country developing a vaccine?”

Colton was somewhat surprised as he looked at Nicole’s determined look with pursed lips. “Are you saying that you want to join the team?”

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Nicole nodded in affirmation. “Although I specialize in surgery, I’ve also studied a good amount of medication back when I was learning under White, and I’ve even gained some achievements.”

Moreover, she could definitely join the team if she used her identity as White’s protégé.

didn’t stop her. Gardner Corporation was funding this particular vaccine development team,

weasel like Pierre definitely couldn’t stand to see her succeed. Once he made another move, she’d make sure to get back at him

pissed this time, for

spare him until Nicole is

ruthless slap on the head. His eyes were filled with darkness, and his

me when you can’t even get something this simple done?!” Bryan was beside himself with rage. This was supposed to be their final

been waiting for this opportunity to take down the Gardners in one fell swoop while they were distracted. However, who’d have thought the news he received instead was that the

face stung after receiving

promised Bryan so was because Pierre vowed that Benedict wouldn’t be

and instantly got down to taking Gardner Corporation down. Unexpectedly, word was that

brakes. After all, the Gardners could focus on retaliating when the old man was alive

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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