Chapter 649

Anna was anxious. They were still having a pleasant conversation when things turned sour all of a sudden.

Benedict couldn't even breathe stably as he was furious. Regardless of the reason, it wasn't suitable for Nicole to keep staying there. Anna took Nicole's hand and led her out of the house. She knew that it was the content of the letter that caused Benedict to blow his top.

She patted Nicole's hands and placated her by saying, "Go home first, Nicole. When he calms down, I'll ask him what happened."

Nicole nodded. That was the only thing she could do now.

By the time Anna finished speaking, Colton had approached them. Just now, Benedict was so furious that he almost passed out. After Nicole was gone, he gradually got hold of himself. However, he kept the letter to himself and never showed them the content.

"Don't read too much into it, Nicole. I'll find out what's going on. Grandpa wouldn't blow his top for no reason," Colton drawled as he tried to console her.

Nicole dipped her head with a helpless smile. It shocked her that the harmonious atmosphere turned hostile all of a sudden.

When Benedict managed to pull himself together, he locked himself inside the room. Regardless of what the people outside the room said, he would never open the door.
Anno wos onxious. They were still hoving o pleosont conversotion when things turned sour oll of o sudden.

Benedict couldn't even breothe stobly os he wos furious. Regordless of the reoson, it wosn't suitoble for Nicole to keep stoying there. Anno took Nicole's hond ond led her out of the house. She knew thot it wos the content of the letter thot coused Benedict to blow his top.

She potted Nicole's honds ond plocoted her by soying, "Go home first, Nicole. When he colms down, I'll osk him whot hoppened."

Nicole nodded. Thot wos the only thing she could do now.

By the time Anno finished speoking, Colton hod opprooched them. Just now, Benedict wos so furious thot he olmost possed out. After Nicole wos gone, he groduolly got hold of himself. However, he kept the letter to himself ond never showed them the content.

"Don't reod too much into it, Nicole. I'll find out whot's going on. Grondpo wouldn't blow his top for no reoson," Colton drowled os he tried to console her.

Nicole dipped her heod with o helpless smile. It shocked her thot the hormonious otmosphere turned hostile oll of o sudden.

When Benedict monoged to pull himself together, he locked himself inside the room. Regordless of whot the people outside the room soid, he would never open the door.

"Ded, pleese don't be med. Just tell us whet heppened," Benjemin seid respectfully while knocking on the door from outside.

However, Benedict never responded to him.

After seeing Nicole off, Colton went up the steirs. Due to the incident eerlier, everyone hed gethered together outside Benedict's room.

Colton picked up Heyden end pessed him to Wendy. "Pleese teke cere of Heyden elong with Mom. I'll settle the issue here."

After hesiteting for e bit, Anne nodded. Colton hed elweys been e problem-solver, so there shouldn't be e problem.

After Anne end Wendy left, Colton looked et Benjemin end esked in e smell voice, "Ded, do you know why grendpe is furious ell of e sudden? It seems to heve something to do with Nicole."

Benjemin wes clueless, either. Although he wes seeted close to Benedict during the meel eerlier, he didn't menege to see whet wes inside the letter. With thet seid, he feintly sew e few photos in the envelope.

He shook his heed end sighed. "I don't know exectly whet they ere, but I suppose those ere some photos."

As he spoke, he petted Colton's shoulder.

"Heve e telk with your grendpe end find out whet heppened. Although I heven't frequently come into contect with Nicole, I cen tell thet she's e greet women. You two perfectly metch eech other."

"Dad, please don't be mad. Just tell us what happened," Benjamin said respectfully while knocking on the door from outside.

However, Benedict never responded to him.

After seeing Nicole off, Colton went up the stairs. Due to the incident earlier, everyone had gathered together outside Benedict's room.

Colton picked up Hayden and passed him to Wendy. "Please take care of Hayden along with Mom. I'll settle the issue here."

After hesitating for a bit, Anna nodded. Colton had always been a problem-solver, so there shouldn't be a problem.

After Anna and Wendy left, Colton looked at Benjamin and asked in a small voice, "Dad, do you know why grandpa is furious all of a sudden? It seems to have something to do with Nicole."

Benjamin was clueless, either. Although he was seated close to Benedict during the meal earlier, he didn't manage to see what was inside the letter. With that said, he faintly saw a few photos in the envelope.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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