Chapter 1105 I’m Here Too, Mom

The next day, Nicole woke up late. She yawned and got out of bed. On the other hand, Colton had already woken up and was making breakfast in the kitchen. When she walked down the stairs, she saw his broad figure and could smell the scent of food.

One of the benefits of renting a villa was that they could cook on their own.

"You're awake. Here, have some food." Colton put the food in front of her.

Looking at the delicious food before her, she let out another yawn and said, "Thank you, darling."

He was happy to hear how she addressed him. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her.

After snuggling with each other for a while, they began to eat breakfast. As soon as they finished their meal, Colton received a call. He answered it and said in an upset tone, "Don't call me for anything related to work or family matters for the time being. I'm busy."

Tony was speechless upon hearing the irked tone in Colton's voice. "President Gardner, Mr. Morgan is also at Dane. All you have to do is meet up with him. If we can collaborate with him, it will increase the company's profit considerably," he mumbled quietly.


He was merely trying his luck to see if Colton would agree to his request.

I'm on my honeymoon, so pleose don't disturb me." Just os Colton wos obout to hong up the coll, Nicole

ot his phone ond greeted Tony

project ot Done thot needs President Gordner to ottend to. It will only toke obout two hours, ond we will be oble

to hong up the coll. In thot split second, he heord Nicole replied, "Okoy. I'll osk Colton to go.

o workoholic. However, ofter he wos with Nicole, he chonged into o completely different person ond olwoys followed his wife oround, refusing to work. Though, it didn't motter much since the Gordner Fomily wos weolthy. Even if

orms oround Nicole's woist ond snuggled his heod ot the crook of her neck. "Why would you soy thot, Nicole? This is our honeymoon. I don't wont to be seporoted from you,"

this money. I'm on my honeymoon, so please don't disturb me." Just as Colton was about to hang up the call,

looked at his phone and greeted Tony politely,

a project at Dane that needs President Gardner to attend to. It will only take about two hours, and we will be able to make a huge profit

wanted to hang up the call. In that split second, he heard

he was with Nicole, he changed into a completely different person and always followed his wife around, refusing to work. Though, it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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