Chapter 21 She is a stunner

The results were seen by everybody, tears streamed down their eyes, but they were not tears of sorrow they were tears of joy,

Hey cried, it was the first time in 20 years that prince Robert laughed,

Happiness, helplessness all this were expressed.

"Express, how am I going to introduce myself to her? What will I tell her? How about my wife what will I tell her?

Will she forgive me for not looking for her all these years?" He had questions that needed answers.

"Son, relax we will find a way she is our family a Princess, royalty, son we must bring her home as soon as possible, " the empress said.

"She is my sister's, boss she is no simple girl, empress, our cousin is powerful she is the famous Master Gold of Imperial Capital,

She is a two Ph.D. holder and sh the famous master Zero of our nation, and also princess Rubby said that she has more hidden identities, so she is not just an ordinary person she is a billionaire.

Also, she is an engineer" Prince Ethan said. He signed and said.

"When I picked her up at the airport she looked different from the person Princess Rubby sent me and I felt familiar with her like I should take good care of my sister I didn't know that this was the reason,

Also today she signed a contract with Assec Corporation, my cousin is powerful " He said.

"Prince Ethan, how old are you? And how old is your cousin?" the Queen asked.

"look at all of you from the fifth brother-in-law to the king's family, your cousin has been suffering outside and yet you are happy?

I want the Eastern side to be cleared and clean, flowers planted all the beautiful and expensive things must be given to her you must all dot on her"

you must treat her well, she is expecting you must take care of her and

have grandchildren so you must honor her since she is

dares to impregnate a princess and run away dead or alive I want him you

sure that princess Jessy will have

give her my

will send them to assist with her duties,"

baby shopping mall

our princess

and this car is comfy therefore it will be given to her, she must protect her

bank has no limits, it must be given to

and see my daughter now," Prince Robert

not necessary we must prepare her, how can we suddenly appear, and then boom we are your family members and you are of royal

brother said is right we have to

die lonely and

poor daughter must have suffered, with an ill mother things were not easy for

is comfortable so

person, doesn't talk much, and is a distant person so you all should not mistake this personality

"Okay, brother"

of royalty prepared themselves and left for Jessy's

know what happened to my

over the world. Whatever this child

me to call her

and we were anxious, they did not know what

buy a jet for her, they thought

went along

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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