Chapter 74 A Lot of Angela (Sky‘s POV) 

My heart was thumping in my chest so hard that I could not breathe. I met her eyes hiding beneath her eyeglasses. How could I miss it? Why didn‘t I recognize her when all the clues were there? I only remembered her face filled with red spots, missing the clue that the Angela I knew and Anj in front of me were the same. Her eyes, intoxicating smell, and how she made me crazy. Only Angela could do it; the woman I married at sweet sixteen and divorced me at seventeen. We spent amazing and annoying hours together, not even a year, before she left me, leaving my ego badly hurt, my heart not capable of loving anymore. 

Divorced? Then it dawned on me she did not bother signing the divorce papers because she made me look idiot into the truth that she was a minor without parental consent when we married. 

“Who is Angela?” She asked me, avoiding my gaze to sip her coffee, and turned to Leyanne to wipe the honey on her chin. “Why are you looking for her?” 

Nice try! I wanted to tell her. 

If the kids were not here, I would confront her, find the wedding ring she took, and make her swallow it, as I said before. 


my fists, pinning my gaze at the three girls in front of me. It took a while before it dawned on me that they were really my children. I am their father. I am that bastard father who left her to raise the kids alone, except I didn‘t know she got

with open arms that she was the Angela I was looking

looking for Mommy, Daddy?” Lyra Helene glanced at me as she finished her

and wanting to cry as I remembered how my daughter found me and begged me to be her father for a school activity. My heart was aching when reminded of

Angela, whatever,

Angela,” Selene giggled.

know how many Angelas are in the world, Daddy?” Lyra Helene‘s eyes went round.“ A looot! I have a classmate Angela, and mommy‘s student was Angela too.” “I know,” I reached for her. “Come to Daddy,” I said, hugging my daughter as if it was my first time to see her. I buried

What if she was hit and got hurt? I will have to talk to Anya to tighten their security; otherwise, I will have her school

Angela wanted to call that night. How could I


said, taking Lyra Helene from me and carrying

I waggled my

as they turned their heads to her, but she shook her head, making the girls

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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