Chapter 70

Matthew had planned to release his album in two months, but he deliberately advanced the release by a month, coinciding with Bryce’s. new song launch. He was determined to give Bryce a blow.

Matthew’s and Bryce’s horses had lost control during a recent variety show. Ashley shockingly chose to save Bryce instead of her own brother.

Moreover, Bryce had overstepped his bounds in defending Ashley, even going so far as to insult Matthew, calling him a dog and telling him to watch himself.

Just the thought of it made Matthew slam on the table in anger.

His decision to release his new song earlier than planned wasn’t just a whim. It was a confidence move. Matthew was certain his sales would surpass Bryce’s, providing the perfect opportunity to deflate Bryce’s arrogant demeanor.

He wanted to show Bryce the consequences of siding with Ashley.

In that case, Matthew believed this would leave Ashley without any allies. Eventually, she would have no choice but to return to the Ramos family, disgraced and ready to be scorned.

He was looking forward to the day Ashley would come back to him, crying and begging for forgiveness.

Matthew hummed a tune with a sense of pride as he continued to prepare his new album. He was just one song away from completion.

Glancing at his phone, he saw that his message to Ash had once again. gone unanswered.

Ash still hadn’t replied.

Clutching his phone, Matthew repeatedly opened the chat with Ash, initially suspecting that his phone was malfunctioning and not receiving


However, even after switching to a new phone, there was still no reply from Ash.

It wasn’t the phone that was the issue.

Ash was genuinely ignoring him.



Chapter 70

The thought of being disregarded and abandoned by Ash turned Matthew’s face pale with a rush of anxiety.

Had he upset Ash in some way?

But Matthew couldn’t think of anything.

Probably, Ash was just too busy to respond to his messages.

“Yes, that must be it,” he murmured.

Ash was just too busy to reply.

Comforting himself with these thoughts, Matthew felt slightly relieved from anxiety.

Considering how busy Ash was, so busy that he didn’t have time to compose for his student, it was even less likely that he would write a song for Bryce.

that mysterious composer with Bryce had nothing

determined to shame Bryce with his new song release to prevent him from

Entertainment, in

let go of the sheet music for “Dark Faith” given to him by Ashley, alternates between sitting and standing, his emotions too stirred to settle down for a

made a bold decision.

you write the other two for

Ashley was dumbfounded.

even a slave


the other two songs already written by

of disdain, Bryce waved his hand and replied, “I used to think those songs were good. But after this, they seem unworthy. To place them on the same album will be an insult to ‘Dark

was left


Chapter 70

write for nothing. After deducting production and promotional expenses, the money earned from these three songs will be a profit of at least a few million dollars. I don’t want a cent of it. It’s all yours! Just as long as you write the songs

a generous offer even made Laura gasp in

With Bryce’s fame, the earnings from these three songs could

give it all to Ashley?” Laura almost doubted her ears.

looking freely and rebelliously. “Don’t always talk about money. It


I can spend.

Laura was speechless.


on, tell me. Will you agree

an indescribable vibrancy. “Alright, I guess I couldn’t say no to that. Tell me, what are the styles of the remaining

she might change her mind. “So

asking “Does the company have any musical

Bryce nodded. “Yes, in the 12th-floor practice room. There’s

go there now,”

was taken aback. “Right now?”


Chapter 70

Ashley was

at the practice room on

was night, so the room was deserted at the moment.

on the lights, instantly illuminating

to the piano and sat down. “Let’s start with the redemption-themed song.”

disbelief. “You’re just

white keys of the piano and said. casually,

to play, her fingers moving gracefully like a dancer, dancing elegantly. Harmonious notes flowed as they

ears perked up

casual play could sound this delightful!

could identify

a segment, Ashley paused briefly to

from its initial gentleness to a


at the piano, Ashley looked at Bryce and handed him the sheet music, saying, “Here, this

since we entered the practice room, and you’ve already composed a

precise, it’s been 8

“When inspiration strikes, the writing just flows. And

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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