Chapter 19

Home is where the heart is. That’s what everybody used to tell me.

“What a lovely home,” they’d say with jealousy at our million-dollar mansion with fancy cars and butlers and maids.

I never understood it.

Standing in front of my father’s mansion as it loomed over me as a nightmare did to a child, I realized this place never felt like home to me.

My father decked out the mansion in artwork and vases and a thousand things that I was not allowed to touch. I remembered every rule as Piers welcomed me into the house.

When I lived here, I felt more like the mosaic my father hung on the wall than a daughter. It was no wonder this place had never felt like mine. I never belonged there.

As I entered the large room for gatherings, I spotted every member of our extended family laid out before me. Cousins and distant aunts or uncles that I had barely spoken a word to in my entire life. Why on earth were all these people here?

Corinna and Ashton were here, much to my dismay. They were talking away with my father and stepmother, Tabitha with their plastic smiles. They were all faking their enjoyment in each other, that was plain to see.

I grabbed a champagne glass from one of the tables set up and sipped it, noticing how Ashton looked over at me.

His smile fell as he stared at me intensely, but I didn’t really care. He was nothing to me anymore. And I wanted nothing to do with him.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t in a bad mood just from seeing him. I didn’t feel a rush of anger or resentment toward them.

I just felt nothing.

I shrugged, continuing to search through the wide area until I found who I was looking for.

My grandmother sat on one of the sofas, looking as prim and proper as ever. She looked regal, fitting as the head of our family. I ducked behind

Chapter 19

one of the servants as I snuck up behind her with a grin.

Just when I was right behind her, the guests spotted me before she ever did- I breathed in, ready to scare the bejeebers out of her, reaching with my hands to grasp onto her shoulders.

“Hello, Adelaide,” she said, knowingly without even turning around.

the breath I gathered rushed out of me, and

my head on the back of the couch as she

“I know everything, dear. Now, come over here and meet my

“Yes, Grandma.”

walking around the couch. She’d cleared a spot for me right next

trying to catch his attention,

staring at me, but I didn’t really have a choice in

my granddaughter, Adelaide. You remember her, right?” My grandmother wrapped an arm around my shoulder,

a French accent. She was near my grandmother’s age but

due to your grandfather’s job but moved back to France

nice to meet you,” I smiled brightly at her.

well. I have heard about

“Thank you.”

anything about her own life,

Chapter 19

roll my eyes at the sound of her

was happy to see me as she and Ashton approached. “I’m a bit disappointed you

at their appearance. “This is my

“Did Maelyn

stiffened as the air immediately went cold. I

half-sister,” I told her, innocently. “She’s

are of


the disapproval in her eyes not hidden

nervously, her arm wrapped around

asked me, looking

In fact, Addie volunteered to be my maid of honor at my wedding, didn’t you, Addie?” Corinna smirked at

took a sip of my champagne, not really feeling as angry as I thought I would. I still had no intention of being her

Or I was

Damon and the texts he sent me all

or rather, I’d always considered him my enemy. But I did had to admit, his teasing was always harmless.

Damon never went far

Chapter 19

that’s what he’d said.

was being truly honest, I couldn’t say I had zero feelings for

was smug and demanding and tricky, but he was also intelligent and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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