Chapter 71


Flying between LA and Vegas was tough, especially when I didn’t get to spend as much time with Adelaide as I would like. Now with the movie starting she was extremely busy. They had different call times every day. Some days she left at 3 AM and other days her shooting days would start at 7 PM. But we made it work.

We were two and a half weeks into filming and we hadn’t missed out on date nights. They were still special and sacred to us and this time Adelaide had stuck to her promise. I was proud of her and that she was building for herself. She had wanted this for so long and it didn’t hurt that her father was bitter.

And though I hated to admit it, I loved that she was smiling more with Corinna around. Though my relationship with her was still frosty, I felt sorry for her. My brother was not an easy man to deal with. I would liken him to the Grinch but with no redeemable qualities.

This divorce was going to weigh on Corinna but my wife was making sure that she gave her sister the best fighting chance. The lawyer we have right now for her was good but Adelaide had her reservations. Unfortunately, the best lawyer for Corinna was at Roberts and Cohan-the law firm that Angela worked at. And it was safe to say that my wife didn’t want to

take our business there.

She was still unsure about Angela even though I had assured her that she meant no harm. But I was willing to keep her mind calm so I made sure to step away from Angela. I was still friendly with her but I had set some firm boundaries in place. My wife came first above everyone else and that included me.

I had been mindlessly scrolling on my phone when I came across something that made me do a double take.

“There’s no fucking way.” I hissed under my


I sat up in my bed and scrolled through the article. There in big bold letters was the title that had my blood boiling.

‘Director Adelaide Steyn in a dramatic love affair with movie lead Gabriel Alcoretz?’

Underneath the article was a picture of Gabriel and Adelaide at the conference she had attended for the movie. His hand was on top of hers on the couch and he was staring at her like like I stared at her. There was a sense of awe written all over his features. I didn’t know what the hell this man was doing with his hand over my wife’s but I didn’t like it.

I read the first paragraph of the article and that was enough for me.

swirling around that the two got extremely close on the first day of shooting. And inside reports even said that they looked like they were about to kiss. Now all of this is simply speculation but many even sensed sparks

was married. There was a

head and so I called the source. I laid back down on my bed and rested my back against the headboard.

gotten back from shooting because she had texted me only ten minutes ago telling me

baby,” her face illuminated the

my heart melted just the slightest bit at the sight of her smile. How could I ever truly be mad at this woman? In my eyes, she was perfect in her umperfect way.

I grunted trying to see how best I could start this conversation without setting off more fires between us. We had just weathered through a storm similar to


Chapter 71

today and it kind of made me mad and I don’t want to be mad but I

till she finally sat down on our bed. She rested her head on the pillow and stared at me with concern in her eyes. She knew that it was rare that things got to me

for me to have to say something. I didn’t want to dampen her mood, especially when

you’re scaring me.”

saw this article a few minutes ago and it was talking about you and Gabriel. It was saying how you two got really close at filming and how they think you two have some kind of love affair going on. I know you obviously aren’t dating the

was silent for a few seconds but those

I didn’t trust my wife. I didn’t

Her heart was like sunshine and it always managed to touch those around her. You

on the beach, you’re the only man

explanation was sound but it didn’t do anything for

tone came out a little accusatory and I

with my male lead in front of dozens of crew

Oh shit….

have thought that one through.

here. I was choosing death and I was digging

asking if a trash tabloid news outlet wrote

like that it sounded as

emotion. We acted it out, and I gave Tiffany her notes,

“Are you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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