Chapter 256 Jamie Should Be Blamed

The man in the red suit was Cody.

The red color should be righteous, but on him, it became wretched.

“Why are you here?” Ellen immediately became alert.

She had heard rumors about Cody. And it was said that Cody’s methods were very cruel. And Cody even killed…

Cody strolled over while sizing up Ellen vulgarly with his small eyes. He said, “This is my home. Why can’t I be here?”

When Ellen saw Cody approaching, her heart pounded. She tried hard to suppress his fear and said, “I’m sorry. I came into the wrong room.”

After saying that, she turned to open the door. But the door couldn’t be opened.

“Beauty, you’re in the right room.” Cody approached and breathed out behind Ellen.

Ellen’s hair stood up in anger, and her hand on the door handle trembled slightly.

“What do you mean?”

Cody said, “Come on, you are already here. How don’t you know what I mean?”

Ellen was stunned for a moment. She pinched her palm and said calmly, “I don’t understand. Mr. Brown, please open the door. I have to go back.”

Suddenly, Cody laughed strangely.

His one hand rested on Ellen’s shoulder as another slowly went down Ellen’s body.

“Do you want me to explain it so directly?

“Jamie said you would satisfy me.”

As Cody spoke, his hand reached into Ellen’s collar.

Ellen slapped Cody’s hand away, then she dodged. She stared at Cody and asked, “Jamie said that?”

Cody’s hand hurt from Ellen’s slap, and Cody said unhappily, “Wrong question. Who do you think you are? Jamie will send you over obediently as soon as I ask him to do that.”

Ellen laughed coldly. She was not too surprised. This was indeed something that Jamie did.

“Whatever. He has no right to decide for me. Hurry up and open the door, or I will call the police.”

Ellen picked up her cell phone and was about to dial.

Suddenly, there was a slapping sound.

The cell phone in Ellen’s hand was knocked out.

Cody’s eyes were full of evil desires, and he was approaching.


all, so she immediately turned to

stepped on the stairs, her hair

a sharp pain in her scalp as if her hair was about to

There was a scream.

out in

scolded, “You should have obeyed me. It’s your

hair and dragged Ellen to

The door was opened.

was good

was tied to a chair by Cody, and the rope was special. The more

dare touch me, I will not forgive you. I

will sue me. Isn’t

bastard,” Ellen

you can’t hide the truth. You will

smile, “Ms. Robbins, you’re quite stubborn. I want to

he raised

The sound was loud.

And it was crisp.

was heavily knocked to the side, and her ear

hair and slapped her several

was a

blood. Her mouth

like it was being

There were laughing sounds.

satisfied with his

Can you be stubborn

vision. She could only see a disgusting


just the beginning for Cody to enjoy

The pain increased gradually.

tears burst out and flowed

Ellen felt dizzy, and her ears could not

and her arms were numb to the point of losing


the pain, she bit her mouth so hard that

his abnormal mentality was satisfied. He turned around, went to the closet to take out a

had some male obstacles, and he couldn’t

usually use some special

was among the

Ellen was thin, she was

he leaned over… When he felt that

only felt that everything in front

vomit, but she didn’t



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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