Chapter 258 You Are Unbelievable

Jamie’s eyes were too sharp, and his cold–blooded personality was obvious.

Ellen held her breath and didn’t answer. She just wanted to run away.

Cody trembled in pain. “Jamie, hurry up and take the little slut into the car. Let’s go now, or we will be in

trouble later.”

Jamie looked at Ellen’s tattered clothes and then looked at Cody’s bloody legs. His handsome eyebrows tightly frowned.

He picked Ellen up.

And he ordered the people he brought, Clean up this place.”

Ellen felt that the sky was dark as her body was shaking.

They wanted to cover up the truth.

Then all the insults she had suffered would be in vain.

And from Cody’s words, Ellen knew that this wasn’t the first time Cody had abused someone. Many girls might have been tortured here.

In an instant, Ellen’s resentment surged up.

Ellen bit Jamie’s chin badly.


Jamie reached out to pull Ellen away.

Ellen took the opportunity to kick Jamie hard.


Jamie’s expression changed, and he was forced to let Ellen

  1. go.

Ellen immediately took out the small knife from Jamie’s pocket, gripped it tightly, and rushed toward Cody.

I’ll kill you.”

She roared angrily, and it startled Cody.

“Oh, no…”

Cody wanted to pull a bodyguard over to block the knife, but he didn’t expect to trip himself and instead send

himself to Ellen.

The knife stabbed into Cody’s shoulder.

Cody screamed.

It sounded miserable.

aimed at Cody’s neck, but she

were scarlet as

“Shit. Crazy woman.”

so scared that he peed his pants

to stab Cody to death.

couldn’t run. He could only crawl on

cursed at the bodyguard, “You. Are you

and went forward to catch Ellen, who

that time, a black car stopped

“Cody. Cody.”

and ran to Cody, who was

Who made you like this?”

at Ellen. “That bitch. She stabbed me many times. Jamie is hurt


and raised

and grabbed


slapping sound

face was slapped.

hand that was held by a bodyguard. After seeing Fiona rushing over, she raised

slapped Fiona

were both

tried to torture Ellen

but the suffering was endless.

wanted to tear them


wide with tears on her face. She looked at Jamie

let this bitch

serious. He frowned.


now seemed to be out of instinct. He didn’t want Ellen to be beaten, but he didn’t expect

to hit Fiona.

cold eyes darkened, and he ordered, “Drag her into

Ellen into the

my brother and you. And she even slapped me. How can you just let

because of this sudden

cry. I need to deal with this matter. Go to the car and apply medicine to your face.”

this matter was a little complicated. She heard that Ellen had called

there were still a few days before the wedding. Fiona thought that Jamie wouldn’t let her brother be

and said hatefully, “Jamie, you are not allowed to let her


slightly as he got into the car that

by the bodyguards. When she saw Jamie come in,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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