Chapter 260 Crazy Lance

Why did he say that to her and make her wonder?

She was no longer an eighteen–year–old girl. She would think Jamie was trying to give her a hint.

A beast’s confession would only disgust her!

Before he could speak, Fiona came over.

Jamie got out of the car. They said something in front of the car door. Fiona was angry and cried. She glared at the window viciously.

Ellen heard something like an apology. Fiona probably wanted Ellen to apologize to her.

Jamie knew Ellen must not apologize to her, so he dismissed Fiona’s idea.

In the end, Jamie coaxed her into the car helplessly.

When the police arrived, Ellen explained she had a conflict with her boyfriend and deliberately called.

After the police questioned her, they checked the villa again and left after criticizing Ellen.

Ellen left in Jack’s car.

When the two cars passed each other, Jamie glanced at Ellen meaningfully.

Ellen felt her scalp numb.

She didn’t know what this crazy person was going to do.

If not for the fact that the doctor Jamie mentioned was indeed a great cardiologist, she really didn’t want to

stay for a minute longer.

She took out her phone and sent a message to Kenyon, “We can leave in about ten days. Have you made the arrangements on your side?”

“All is well.”

Only then did Ellen relax and delete the message.

No matter what kind of perverted game Jamie wanted to play, she would not waste her time on it.

She would leave New York with her parents.

Yvette was locked up at home by Lance.

She was locked up for five days, and Lance never showed up again.

The helper in the villa was still Mary.

However, she would only bring Yvette food and was ordered not to talk to her.

Once, Yvette wanted to borrow her phone, only to find she was not allowed to have one with her.

Yvette’s hope was in vain.

TV every day. She

which window she could escape

design was meticulous, and

returned on the

was a little excited when she heard the door ring, and then she calmed

be crazy

was as calm as ever,

something but did not know

Then he bent his fingers

in the bathroom sounded like a terrifying

of that night’s

listened to her pleas for mercy

had been too long, and

why Lance had been so crazy. In short, the manic behavior that night had been wrong.

to have a good talk with him calmly.

loungewear. His wet hair made his handsome face less

a different style of beauty..

to please him and


thirsty?” Yvette was determined to do

her for a

on the bed reading the latest

and handed warm water to Lance. She wanted to retreat,

warm water on the head of the bed and exerted a bit of strength in his hand. Yvette sat on

precise, it was an intimate posture as they were face


wanted to get out of bed, but the man pressed down on

her ankles.

He rubbed the protruding


endured the itch and said,

class tomorrow?”


widened her eyes, not daring to believe what she had just

Aren’t you happy that you don’t have to go to work?”

have a good talk, but she couldn’t

That’s my job. I didn’t say I wanted to quit. Why

the decision for

This overbearing man!



other hand and chuckled, “Because I’m your man.”

cold and terrifying.

Yvette trembled.

that if she displeased him, she would suffer like that night.

said softly, “Lance, what I said is true. There is really nothing between me and


his tone

“I really have nothing to do with Charlie. You

speaking, she wanted

looked at Lance nervously, afraid that he would be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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