Chapter 278 Leave for Good

Yvette was caught off guard and fell backwards. Fortunately, Lance was behind her and caught her in time.

“How could she belong to you? You’re crazy. She would rather die than stay with you. She definitely didn’t want you to touch her. Just let her go!”

Yvette still wanted to grab Ellen’s body. Yet, Lance held Yvette’s hands from behind and prevented her from going over.

Having known Jamie for many years, Lance noticed that Jamie was a little crazy now.

Afraid that Yvette would be accidentally injured, Lance said in a low voice, “Calm down. He will hurt you.”

Jamie held Ellen’s body from day to night. He sat there motionlessly.

When Jack came to urge Jamie, Jamie said something frightening.

“I’m taking her home.”

Jamie wanted to take Ellen’s body to Oasis Apartment. This was the place where they shared the most memories.

Jack looked shocked. He said in a trembling voice, “Mr. McBride, how do we bring her back?”

“Go arrange for a cenotaph for her. Then arrange for someone to send an ice coffin home.”

Jack was startled.

Jack thought, that’s crazy!

Mr. McBride must be crazy!

How could the ice coffin be placed at home?

But at that moment, Jack did not dare to say anything and could only do as Jamie said.

Very quickly, the date of burial was chosen. Yvette and the others were all present.

No one knew that this was just a cenotaph and Ellen’s body was not inside.

After the mourning, Yvette left early because she did not like Jamie.

Yvette didn’t want to mourn Ellen with Jamie at the same time. Yvette thought Jamie shed crocodile tears after Ellen’s death. Jamie was not worthy of pity at all.

On the way back, Lance’s phone rang.

It was from Frankie. Frankie said that Yazmin was not in good condition and she wanted to see Lance.

Yvette heard it clearly from the side. She suddenly reached out to pull the car door.

A sudden screeching was heard.

The car came to a screeching halt.

Lance stopped the car and pulled her, shouting, “You’re crazy!”

Yvette was in a bad mood and shook him off.

“Get lost! Don’t touch me!”

Yvette’s pinky cut the back of Lance’s hand. Lance didn’t care much.

“Don’t mess around. This is a viaduct. Where are

you going to see your child’s mother? Hurry up and

are you talking

her hand again and said unhappily, “How many times do I

Ellen’s death, Yvette was despondent. She

If that isn’t your child, how could she turn to you

email. Could you please check it and sign it


divorce agreement,

don’t want to hear you mention

do not understand. He does not want to divorce.

to let me be their child’s

This is absurd!

of what Yazmin has done, I hate her so much that I’ll never help her raise

don’t go too far! Are you going to let me raise your illegitimate child? It’s


was so disgusted by Lance that


“What are

am I

think of that child, I

though I tell Lance these things,

times in the

are inextricably linked. I cannot get


“That child is Lucas“!”

it so much, Lance suddenly said

Yvette widened her

thought, I really

Lucas seem to come from two different worlds. How could they

“It’s Lucas‘,” Lance repeated.

can only tell you this. You should believe me. I will

this piece of news was

gone crazy and used

had decisive evidence to take Colton down, Lucas secretly hid the document as a

After Colton caused Lance trouble, Lucas contacted Lance. As long as Lance could help Lucas protect the child

think that Yazmin’s child was his so that Colton

too complicated. The less Yvette knew, the better. As long as Lance endured for three months, Lance could completely

of Ellen’s death, Lance

that Yvette was not sad. Just now, when Yvette was at Jamie’s place,

Lance always felt that something was wrong with Yvette. It was not

Lance in a slightly hoarse voice as he stared at

thought, if I have to choose. I’ll continue to lock her up for three months.

she is

in his eyes, and she was

Yvette to provoke Lance now. So, she could only reply dishonestly, “I won’t

her delicate face and asked in a low voice, “Lance, I cannot go to work. But, can

feel like a prisoner.”

if he was trying to find

locked up all day. Do you still treat me as a person?” Yvette choked with

“Don’t cry.”

and said, “You can go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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