Chapter 538: Protection

Grey reasoned it for a moment and stood. “There’s only a way to find out. You guys can go in now. I will get back to you later,” he assured.

Cynthia and Mercy bowed slightly and walked inside.

Grey glanced down at his wristwatch. He needed to leave immediately so that he could catch up with Aphrodite.

Just as he stepped out, he noticed a figure leaning on his car. He moved closer nonetheless, only to realise it was Aurora.

“Aurora,” he called softly but no answer came. “Aurora,” he called again and she jerked up. Grey regarded her for a moment. “What are you thinking of? Are you alright?”

Aurora released a sigh and managed a smile. “I’m fine. I just had a lot to think of. And I want to discuss something very important with you.”

Grey watched her for a moment. “What happened to you?”

Aurora released another sigh. “I don’t know how this is going to be but I still think I need to speak to you. You and Charles are close like brothers. So, I just feel it wouldn’t matter.”

Grey moved to stand beside her. “You have nothing to think about at this moment. Charles would really protect you. You will be fine.”

She hesitated as if thinking about how to start. “I don’t want to stay in one place. I know Charles will protect me but that means staying hidden maybe for the rest of my life.”

“Well, if Charles wants you to stay hidden, he has his reason. He’s very thoughtful. Asides, danger looms ahead. If you stay under Charles’ wings, you will be fine,” he assured.

“Which is what I don’t want. I have plans for myself too. In fact, I don’t want to be hidden. I want to be given the power to do something. Which was why I pleaded with Charles to let me work for you.”

Grey wiped his head towards her quickly, as if he couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. Now, he realises what Charles was very much against.

placed her in danger. And Avery, who didn’t even know anything about the plan,

do anything to protect

happen. I mean, it’s dangerous out there. Charles can’t afford to lose

and stepped back. “Bye for now. Thank you so much for chatting

I will leave Mercy and Cynthia in your care. Take care of

will do

entered the car and drove off. Just as he drove

in the night now. In fact, Grey got back to

off in front


I just got caught up with business. I will

you think

to the car. He opened the door for her. “We might not meet with the reservation but since I promised you a dinner, I’ve gotten a nice place at

would if they saw you with me and especially with the

They won’t. Besides, it’s very late. No one would have the time to be looking at

and got

got into the driver’s side. “Alex would be in my estate soon or maybe he’s

him well. He needs to be punished. He does as he likes because he has Giovanni’s protection. Meanwhile, he could have died if you really planned on killing

though that’s what I want. As I’ve said, Alex will not die before

released a sigh. “But are you sure the police won’t be on your neck? You know the majority of

won’t. The FBI will take up

Aphrodite was

the director. I’m going to speak with him tomorrow

briefly. “Alright. I wanted to ask how you guys met but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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