Chapter 45

“What did he say?” Caroline thought and froze on the spot. Her palm-sized face instantly turned pale, and her cars echoed with the last word he had just said to her.

She wondered how he could humiliate her with such words.

She had always thought that a man of his status and taste would not say such things.

“What are you waiting for? Come back with mel” He turned around and left.

Yuliana pulled Caroline in fear. “Carol, what did Uncle Nathan tell you just now?”

Caroline stayed silent for a while but then replied, “Nothing. Yuliana, let’s leave.”

Both of them then followed Nathan to leave the dance floor.

Nathan wanted to take them home. Caroline and Yuliana obviously dared not resist, but they met several classmates.

The classmates stopped them. “Caroline, Yuliana, what a coincidence! You girls are here to have fun too. Come on-let’s play games together.”

Yuliana wanted to stay and play, so she immediately looked at Nathan and begged. “Uncle Nathan, we want to play games with our classmates before going back. Please.”

Nathan pursed his thin lips and obviously felt a little displeased.

However, Alfred came over just then with an urgent document and asked him to handle it. Nathan frowned and said, “You can only play for a while.”

“Thank you, Uncle Nathan!” Yuliana replied.

Caroline and Yuliana sat down, and the girl next to them whispered, “Yuliana, is that your uncle? My god, he’s so handsome. Why haven’t I heard that you have such a handsome uncle?”

Someone asked, “Yuliana, can I add your uncle’s WhatsApp?”

The other said, “I don’t think it’s possible. Yuliana’s uncle looks so cold and indifferent.”

and looked

behind him. The sleeves of Nathan’s black shirt were rolled up twice, revealing his strong arms and the expensive steel watch on his wrist. He looked very

Chapter 45

shone on him without any noise. Instead, it made him look more


resist that type of rich and mature business CEO, let alone a top-notch man like Nathan. Currently, they were glancing at him secretly, and all of their young and beautiful faces full of

Nathan had pressed half of his body against hers

was not abstinent

wait… He’s indeed abstinent.

said that Caroline was really good at twisting her body, and she

this round. I will deal the cards. The person who has the card with the largest number

Everyone agreed. “Okay.”

someone started

number, while the person with

said, “Caroline, now I’m going to ask you a question. So… Do you still have your

as they realized that the first question

Caroline remained silent.

“Why is he asking such

game of ‘Truth. Answer it quickly.”

everyone and answered honestly,

her “first time”


Chapter 13

made him look more noble and reserved, and the people could not avert their


originally could not resist that type of rich and mature business CEO, let alone a top-notch man like Nathan. Currently, they were glancing at him secretly, and all of their young and beautiful faces full of collagen were blushing

in her mind of her sleeping in his arms last night. Nathan had pressed half of his body against hers and kissed her. No one had probably ever seen such behavior from him, which was the unknown side

abstinent at all.

“No, wait….. He’s indeed abstinent.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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