Chapter 119
Renee froze for a second. To her surprise, she was not the only student Mr. Lewis personally guided. “Who shared my glory?” she wondered.
Renee walked to the office next door and knocked on it.
Soon, a pleasant voice came from inside. “Come in.”
The voice sounded familiar to her. She seemed to hear it somewhere before.
Renee walked in and saw a person sitting on the office chair, not facing her. The person’s face was covered with a perfume magazine. The person seemed to be resting.
Who? Why make it so mysterious?
“Hello, who are you?” Renee asked.
At this time, the office chair slowly turned around, and Caroline’s small face was revealed when she raised her white hand and took off the perfume magazine on her face.

Caroline looked at Rence with bright eyes and said, “Renee, you’re here. I’ve been waiting for you here for a long time.”
Renee’s eyes widened all of a sudden. It was Caroline!
She said she would join Cienna Care yesterday, but everyone thought it was a joke and didn’t care about it. Now Caroline really joined Cienna Care.
Caroline also became the perfumer of Cienna Care!
“Renee, do you know Caroline?” Quincy asked.
Renee quickly came to her senses and said, “Quincy, I know Caroline. You probably don’t know that Carol is an ugly woman from the countryside who worked as a
housekeeper at my house. She doesn’t know how to make perfumes, so I was shocked to see her becoming a Cienna Care perfumer.”
“What? An ugly woman from the countryside also got into Cienna Care. Caroline, what on earth did you do to get in?” Quincy scolded harshly.
The noise here attracted many colleagues, and they started to point fingers at Caroline.
“How did she, an ugly woman from the countryside, get into Cienna Care? Rence is The Genius Perfumer.”
Chapter 119
“That’s right. Our class has been lowered by working with her. This is Cienna Care, a perfume wonderland!”
Rafael came over at that moment. He was very capable and serious. “What are you all doing here and not working? Do you think this is a food market?”
“Mr. Lewis, we are all curious how Caroline can get into Cienna Care. Did she pull strings to get in here?” Quincy asked.
Rafael glanced at Caroline. Her eyes were clean and bright, and her slender waist was straight. Even with a scar on her face, she looked pleasing. Unfortunately, she did pull strings.
Rafael was capable at work. So, he liked and appreciated talented people, such as Renee.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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