Chapter 201

In a hoarse yet serious voice, he urged, “Look for it yourself. It’s probably Renee calling. Don’t keep her waiting.”

Caroline was very innocent in this regard. But after spending so much time with him, she realized he had a distinct and simple interest.

He liked girls who looked innocent and had fair skin. Most of all, he loved those who would behave coquettishly in front of him in private.

She wondered if his first crush was also like that..

Men could never forget their first love, especially men like Nathan. All the women he dated after her were likely just her stand–ins.

Caroline was a little curious. She felt that she should have taken a look at the photo of his first crush that day. That way, she would at least know who she was replacing.

“Mr. Faraday, since you are so afraid that Renee will be anxious, you can take your phone yourself.” She acted as if she was going to withdraw her hand.

But Nathan grabbed her hand. “Are you jealous?”

Caroline raised her pretty eyes and gave him a teasing look. “Yeah, I’m jealous. Aren’t you going to coax me, Mr. Faraday?”

As she spoke, she slid her fingers downward and took out his phone.

were bloodshot. He watched as Caroline held his phone and saw Renee’s name on the screen. Tapping on it, she helped

Faraday.” Renee’s sweet voice came from the other end of the line. “Where are you

his arms, and replied, “I’m not free tonight.”


“I’m sleeping.”

Nathan hung up and

Anyone who was an adult would know he did not mean it literally. Renee was most likely stunned in


Chapter 201

should have said that, Mr. Faraday. Renee must be crying right now.”

her soft cheek. “Weren’t you the one who

Rence for my sake?” she thought.

kind of moved. She fluttered her eyelashes and said sweetly, “No. Mr. Faraday, do you think it would be

coax you

blushed. It was easy to be happy with a perfect lover

corner, he suddenly wanted to settle the score. “Explain what ‘Mr. Faraday, the escort‘ means

at his handsome features, her senses feasting on Nathan’s beauty. She stammered, “It’s a compliment… I meant that you’re handsome and you have good

red lips curled into a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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