Chapter 204

Caroline was not surprised. Nathan had helped Renee erase all the traces on the Internet, and the Sullivan family must have heard about it and wanted to get Renee back.


ked to Renee’s side and said with a bright smile, “Renee, I just wanted to s that what’s real is real, and what’s fake will remain fake.”

After saying that, she left.

Renee’s expression changed again. “What does Caroline mean? Did she realize that I was pretending to be King? How is that possible? No, I must be overthinking it,” she thought.


After walking a distance from the mansion, Caroline took out her phone. She recorded the conversation.

She tapped on the recording, and Renee’s voice sounded. “That’s right. I’m King!”

Caroline then sent the recording to Janelle.

Janelle texted: [Can this bitch get any more shameless?]

Caroline replied: [Janelle, send this to the entertainment journalists.]

Janelle’s eyes lit up. She texted back: [In that case, the entertainment headline for today will be “Shocking News! Rence Sullivan Is the Top Perfumer King!“]

replied: [Now she will truly understand what “the higher you climb, the

sent a salute emoji, followed by a message saying: [Carol, you have my admiration and

her phone and noticed Mina in the

been conflicts between you and Renee, but the past is in the past. From now

Renee, but that was only because Mina thought Renee was King.

looked at her and smiled wryly. “Mrs. Statham, did the scented candle work?”

Mina numbly thought to herself, “What?”

Chapter 204

the balm, your said you were allergic to jasmine. Are

already unable to speak from shock.

turned around and

disappear slowly as she walked. away. At first, she was

immediately went to Renee and said, “Renee, help me buy a bunch


did not know why she had come back. It was just a bunch of flowers, so she immediately agreed, “Sure, Mrs. Statham. What kind

Mina replied, “Jasmine.”

the jasmine flowers to your door tomorrow.”

unfathomable emotion

meeting, so she was reading alone in the


WhatsApp message saying:

opened her Twitter account, and the headline “Renee Is King” was trending,

fake daughter Renee is the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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