Chapter 37

Felix’s implied meaning was basically–I’d dote on my girl no matter what, including taking the blame for

her mistakes.

In other words–come at me if you had a problem with her, not her!

When I still refused, Felix began lecturing me about life values. It was irritating.

So, in the end, I changed my clothes and went out with him.

It was just a barbecue dinner. It wasn’t like Felix could do any harm to me. If I insisted on not going, it’d only make me seem like I hadn’t gotten over that matter.

So I went!

Mom gave me an umbrella before I left. She told me to come home early in a less than happy tone as it seemed like rain was coming. I had just recovered, so it’d be best not to get caught in the rain and catch

a cold.

Felix promised he would take care of me, which put a smile on my mother’s face in return.

I changed into a white dress and let my hair down. I then put on some light lipstick. Mom said my hair

to be left falling down along my

in Felix’s eyes the

five inches tall, and I had long, slim legs. I wasn’t too skinny nor too plump.

curvy and looked

on the roadside, talking about

pedestrian walkway was narrow. Children ran around from

squeeze for us.

step back, creating a short

walking speed. I

me so happy. I used to look forward to walking by his

to school instead of following behind

Felix never cooperated. He always took a step forward with a cold

like an angry girlfriend.

even when he responded with the cold shoulder. It

beside Felix, I had lost all my excitement. I would rather stay behind him

had a fiery name–Burning

by the window for us. The view there was amazing. You could see all walks of life from out

rain began falling outside. I was grateful for my

I would’ve been drenched

some prime cuts and side dishes. He then started grilling the meats.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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