Chapter 69

Lilac was only around five feet and two inches, and her build was petite and delicate.

As for me, my height of five feet and seven inches was considered quite tall for girls my age compared to the average height in the North.

Thus, in this confrontation, my height advantage was significant, forcing Lilac to look up at me.

Yes, this was the feeling I wanted. If she was unhappy, then it was too bad for her.

“Lilac, it doesn’t matter whether I saw anything. What matters is that you’re aware of your actions. We should seek our peace of mind respectively. You have no right to question me, so stay away and stop

provoking me.

When I walked away from her after that, Lilac spat out a nasty curse. “You’ll pay for this.”

Many times I wondered what I had done wrong to make Lilac hate me so much. If it was because of my past relationship with Felix, shouldn’t her jealousy be long gone by now?

Presently, Felix and I had nothing to do with each other whatsoever, not even a typical friendship. So, why did she still harbor such hatred toward me?

enough. Others in her situation would try hard to conceal the truth, and yet she dared to confront

else would have noticed. Besides, Colin was studying at this university as well.

this point, I was starting to believe Lilac might be out of her

consider writing a letter and hiding it somewhere, explaining

a clue for the

might suddenly appear and harm me. Colin noticed that something was

matter after all. If there were to be any danger, I would deal with it myself; I couldn’t involve the


be Friday, Queenie suggested skewers for dinner. I was a bit tempted, hence we agreed on it and dressed up, heading to the food street


was vast, and there was a shortcut at the back that led to the food street. However, several streetlights were broken, and no one had repaired


around the main gate as it was too far away, so we decided


whatever lurked in the darkness that we weren’t

have it, what was bound to

shadow suddenly appeared from the side,

like a grim reaper.

recognized the person from his silhouette. It

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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