Chapter 95

I had to stay in the hospital for another three days.

Colin sent me back to my dorm on the day I was discharged. That had attracted the attention and envy of

the girls from my dorm.

Queenie said that Colin had been protecting and looking after me as if I was a porcelain doll. It reminded me of historical times of how the prince would protect the princess.

Throughout my stay in the hospital, Colin had been regulating my food.

He wouldn’t let me eat most things. He only allowed me to eat different kinds of porridge every day.

I felt like I would puke if I had to eat porridge for another day.

Not to mention, I still hadn’t received a proper reason behind his disappearance a few days back. It

caused me to be in a foul mood.

Colin did reflect on his six days of absence and promised to never abandon me again. So, I decided to be the bigger person and forgive him. We quickly returned to being friends.

After we made up, Colin seemed much more attentive and gentle toward me.

I greedily enjoyed his treatment and wanted things to last a little longer.

influx of situations in Colin’s research institute. He was always busy.

free some time and accompany

would even order takeout for me whenever he was too

to my

and November soon arrived. The weather became cold as all my

into their

that fateful evening, the sunset was beautiful.

something important to

my coat and placed my phone in my

The white snow on the tree leaves shimmered in the night

was standing under a tree as he waved at me. There was uncontrollable excitement

had great news to


results get released?” I whizzed toward him like a bullet. I grabbed

looked up at

He held my shoulders and said, “Lulu, guess

I hesitantly voiced out

laughed out loud. He slipped his hands under my armpits and lifted me, spinning me

got first

night, Colin and I laughed and jumped under the snow. I jumped onto

around the compound. We even attracted many

to share everything with Felix. But I didn’t think of him


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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