Chapter 111

It was cold. Everyone breathed out white mist, but Felix’s face was as red as an apple. His eyes wandered to Matthew and lingered on me. Then, he looked away as he said, “You were young. I didn’t want you to be distracted from your studies. If you need those letters back, I can give them to you.”

Matthew immediately retorted, “Felix, you’re the biggest prick ever. You took more things than just the letters. You know it’s true.”

Felix barked back, and they got into an argument. It escalated quickly, causing the other guys to jump in to mediate the conflict.

I was appalled. Felix confiscated the love letters others had written for me? He didn’t like

  1. me. Why did he take those things? There was no way he kept them for fun.

The commotion grew louder and louder, so much so that passersby at great distance turned around to look at us. The day started with a fight. Was this what my birthday would turn out

to be?

things? So you didn’t just take my love letters? What’s wrong with you, Felix? You

to be a civilized and educated woman, I would’ve already slapped. Felix’s face until it was nothing but red finger marks. I was so

Felix did that!

my senior year in high school, I received a lot of love letters. But I never opened them because all I could think of was

mean he could intercept my love letters. He kept those things from

why I was getting all

about the past. We’ll handle it tomorrow, okay? Look! Everyone is here to

Lulu. Don’t let a prick

your time. Come. Let’s play.”


my foot down. I glared at Felix angrily.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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