Chapter 160

“So, you don’t dare? It seems that you only know how to brag!”

I truly didn’t dare to. I gave up. I didn’t want to touch him anymore!

“Hehe, you’ve been protecting your chastity for your future wife. I should let her be the first person to touch your abs. I won’t touch them.” I smiled dryly as I made excuses for myself.

Colin sneered. “You sure phrased your words nicely, but you look like you’re regretting not touching me. I don’t think you should miss this opportunity. If you miss it this time, there’ll be no more chances. Once I marry, you’ll never get another chance to touch me. Won’t you regret it?”

He was right, but I didn’t dare to make the move.

“Let’s be honest here. Do you want to touch me?”

I looked at Colin in embarrassment, trying to ask him to give me an idea of

whether to touch him.

Perhaps I wasn’t sitting still or he wasn’t standing firm, but I accidentally placed my palm against his abdomen during a moment of unsteadiness.

The warm and smooth touch made my face red.

Ah! I touched it! The feeling was as good as the book described!


smooth, warm, hard, well–defined,

up with these few words. I thought

beside my beach chair, looking at me

did I


over. In Colin’s eyes, I was no longer his lovely sister


trembling. It wasn’t until I turned

had served all the food, the heat

hand. My palm

Colin as I would involuntarily glance at his abdomen whenever I saw him. I


trip, I lay in the

came over and sat beside

things I shouldn’t have.

face was starting

nighttime. The darkness could


few days. I don’t understand. It

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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