Chapter 429

“I’ll talk to the head of the operation.”

to consult the people in charge.


King thought about my suggestion and went

After 20 minutes, he returned. He told me that the head of the operation proposed we dig two tunnels from two directions. We would dig the tunnel that passed through the building entrance to save the ones trapped inside the classroom.

And if not all victims were there, we would slowly expand the area. The victims were only trapped for two days, and the mudslide wasn’t a serious one. There had to be survivors. Once we found out where the rest of the victims were, the operation would go even more smoothly.

One of the tunnels would connect the school entrance to the classroom door, while the other tunnel would connect the classroom’s backdoor and the toilet.

Now that we had a clear understanding of the rescue mission, the head of the operation said that we were making good progress. Everyone was in high spirits.

I noticed that many volunteers were residents of nearby villages. We came to save Colin while they came to save their home and family. We worked tirelessly.

hurt so much that I couldn’t feel them anymore. However, I persevered. I steeled my will to power through. Whenever I thought I couldn’t continue

strong desire to save Colin lent

or complained. None of

The head of the operation asked us to stop working and eat something. He then told us to rest for three hours before we continued.

generous portion. Those who wanted more could go for seconds. The cutlery and tableware were gathered in


wasn’t the best place to enjoy the meal, but no one uttered a complaint. We sat on the makeshift beds made from

have any appetite. Before I came, I had thought that the situation wasn’t grim. But being at the scene proved how wrong I was. Yet,

to change it.

than crying and being an

sand with a shovel.

progress was slow. I worried


soup to me. “If you fall sick, you’ll burden everyone since we’ll need to look

was a woman with a weak constitution. If I did not take care of myself and fell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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