Chapter 118 What if I Also Like Horace?
Edmond’s chin slightly receded, his face looking very unpleasant, and his eyes were filled with gloom.
It seems that Everett said it is true that the Friedan family had a good impression of Horace.
He tightened his fingers, pursed his thin lips, and said lightly, “I don’t know.”
“Although we were married for three years, we didn’t understand each other, and the same goes for Horace.”
Don’t understand, after three years of marriage, can’t even say “don’t understand”?
Ervin smiled in his eyes and did not immediately respond.
Under his scrutinizing gaze, Edmond added, “If we both like each other, being together shouldn’t be a problem.”
Thinking about Claudia saying that she had fallen for someone else, Edmond chuckled self-deprecatingly. It seemed that he had almost become a father within his marriage, but it was destined that he would not be happy.
Waldron next to him became annoyed.
What does it mean that liking each other would not cause any problems? Does it mean that he and Claudia didn’t like each other at first?
Exactly, how could a man who has a wife and still engages with other
women willingly only love his own wife?
Thinking of Horace again, at least he had a proper attitude, much better than him, I don’t know how much.
Waldron smirked and casually said, “Claudia and him definitely liked each other.”
He glanced at Ervin and said, “Ervin, you’re asking the wrong person, aren’t you? How could Mr. Lamont, who has always stayed away from trouble, understand these things? I think we should meet with the other members of the Ferguson family and settle all the necessary matters.”
This remark stirred Edmond up. Indeed, upon hearing these words, Edmond’s eyes darkened a little more..
No man was willing to find a new partner so quickly after breaking up with their ex.
Besides Edmond, Elva was also stimulated.
Originally, she was just listening to gossip, but when she heard that they were going to meet the parents and settle down, Elva couldn’t sit still.
“Waldron, does Horace know about this? Perhaps he doesn’t want to decide so quickly yet.”
Waldron didn’t think much about it and sneered, “He said that as long as Claudia is willing, their whole family can come to Wellfort.”

Did the whole family come to Wellfort?
What is the status of the Ferguson family, not only in Vencumfield but also in the whole country and even the world, with their industries and the combination of politics and business, making them formidable.
The whole family coming to Wellfort, what a concept! This is definitely sincere!
Elva was jealous and went crazy!
She had lived for over twenty years without liking any man, because she didn’t find any of those men appealing. Only Horace, the man she saw for the first time and wanted to spend her whole life with.
She didn’t want to miss out, let alone give up.
“Ervin, Derrick, Waldron,” Elva looked at the three of them and bit her delicate lip. “What if I also liked Horace?”
The crowd: ”
“I know it’s sudden to say this now, but if I don’t say it, I’m afraid I
won’t have another chance, Derrick, Waldron, do you remember what you used to tell me? You said that if I ever met someone I liked and he didn’t like me back, you would find a way to make him like me, until I no longer liked him.” Taking a deep breath, she had a hint of moisture in her eyes. “Now, does that promise still hold true?”
Is it arithmetic?
How could they come back from this?
Who kn
They had said such things, but that was many years ago when they were three brothers with their adolescent res times would change and she would fall in love with Horace?
Who knew that
And Horace’s attitude is very clear now, he only likes Seraphina and will not marry anyone else.
Even if they tried, there was no way to make Horace like her.
Elva suddenly stood up and said that she liked Horace, which
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surprised them.
Seeing the expressions on their faces, Elva chuckled self- deprecatingly.
The subtle details made Derrick’s blood boil: “The Ferguson family intended to form an alliance with the Friedan family, but Seraphina may not have been the best choice.”
Elva’s heart leaped with joy as she gratefully looked at Derrick.
“Seraphina is pregnant…” Derrick’s tone changed upon seeing someone else present. “Although Horace is willing, his family may not be. Seraphina would probably be unhappy if she were to marry into that family. Even though Elva’s leg was injured, after the surgery, she is no different from an ordinary person. Since Elva likes him, it is not impossible to arrange a match.”
Ervin remained silent, and even Waldron had to admit that his words made sense.
Disagreeing does not necessarily mean disapproval.
He tossed his rebellious hair and sneered, “We can’t make decisions on this matter, let’s ask Horace himself.
When Elva heard the question, her face turned extremely ugly.
She didn’t want to confront Horace because she had already asked before, and it had only embarrassed her without any other effect.
She knew that Horace didn’t like her, but she still wanted to give it a try. Love at first sight is rare, most people develop feelings over time.
As long as she was given some time, she had a way to make him fall in love with her.
“No need to ask,” she said expressionlessly, “his mind is all on his sister now, while my mind is only on him. I am unrequited love…..”
The scene fell silent upon hearing her straightforward words.
Elva self-deprecatingly said, “I knew he didn’t like me, but how many aristocratic marriages are based on mutual love? Even you, didn’t you also have three years of a loveless marriage with your sister?”
Upon hearing these words, Edmond suddenly turned to look at her, his gaze freezing cold like frost.
Elva’s heart trembled, and she quickly averted her gaze.
We had different dreams for three years while sharing the same bed.
He was the only one kept in the dark
Edmond sneered in silence.
Elva stubbornly lifted her little face slightly, fearlessly looking at Waldron, who was dissatisfied with her: “Waldron, do you think I am targeting my sister again?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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