Together Miranda insisted on keeping me in her clinic for the observation, although I truly wanted to go home and spend more time with Aren. At the same time, I knew that I shouldn’t have bothered him for a while. He had a lot to take care of. Nonetheless, I felt more lonely than ever without him. I was desperate to feel him again. I could nearly sense that he was the essential element I needed in my therapy. Certainly, he kept calling me whenever he had time to talk, but it wasn’t half as comforting as his touch or even the sole sight of him.

My bruises and the cut on my cheek were healing fast. After five days, they were almost

invisible. Unfortunately, I had to wait a little longer to remove the stitches from the wound on my head. It was one of the reasons Miranda wanted to keep me inside the clinic longer, but I could sense the real reason… As unreasonable as it was, she felt guilty, and that made her overprotective.

“Miranda, I can take care of myself. Trust me,” I coaxed. She stayed relentless. “I will release you once I’m certain that the cut on your head is healing as it should.”

I sighed, raising my hands in surrender. I knew that the time I went missing had been a horrifying experience for her as well. She told me many times just how much she was terrified, predicting the worse. She needed some form of recovery just as badly as I did, and if staying in her clinic one more day would decrease her anxiety, then I was willing to do that for her.

Finally, she removed my stitches and was left without serious reasons to keep me in a hospital bed. I almost flew out of the room and jumped for joy the entire way out of the clinic. I couldn’t wait until I was in the penthouse, and I couldn’t wait even more until I was alone with Aren.

I texted him when I was on my way. I didn’t want to call him since I knew that he was still dealing with the FBI and interrogations. Much to my surprise, he called me right after my message. “Are you sure that you are OK?” he said, worryingly. I chuckled. “I’m sure that I was OK a few days earlier.” “I’ll be home in an hour.” He ended the call before I could react. The corners of my lips curled up into a girly grin. It wasn’t even six o’clock, and I would never expect him to leave work at this hour, and yet he was going home. He was willing to leave his work early to see me. I couldn’t help but burst into joy.

Once I stepped into the penthouse, my eyes became watery. I inhaled Aren’s scent; every room was filled with traces of his intoxicating presence. I went to my bedroom to fix my makeup and do as much as I could with my hair, and then I counted the minutes until I could see my husband.

As soon as I could hear the private elevator coming up, I rushed to wait by the door. He opened the door with his blazing eyes, ready to devour me. As he stepped through the threshold, his arms stretched to reach me and pull me into a tight embrace. His lips searched hungrily until

they found mine, claiming them with a sensual kiss. Despite his thirst and passion riling within him, his touch and caresses were gentle.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered against my neck before placing delicate kisses on my burned-up skin.

kissing me,” I coaxed, tangling my fingers into the silk

be limits for now…

I wanted to fill the next long hours with hot, passionate sex with him, Miranda would probably kill me if I didn’t stick to her

unfair. Those bastards not only took away my wedding ceremony but also my wedding night with Aren… and I was kind of looking forward to tasting his passion. Now, when we could hold each other again, my body

me questioningly, pulling out his phone to

feeling cold as I had already missed his touch. He smiled warmly at me and stroked my cheek. “Shrimp pasta or

“Pasta it is then.”

make a call, enjoying the sight of him in his perfect suit. I still couldn’t believe that the man standing before me was my husband, my man, all mine… for the next two years. Of course, I knew that there would come a time when we would have to talk about the contract and how it fitted our reality. But I couldn’t bear to think about it at that moment. I kept recalling every minute of my imprisonment and how terrified I was, but I realized that I wasn’t afraid of losing my life as much as I was afraid of losing Aren… I acknowledged that fact, but I wasn’t ready

me to the window so we could admire the sunset over Manhattan. He stood behind me,

gently nuzzled the top of mine. “I

never afraid of losing anyone as much as I was afraid of losing you.” I gasped, tears drawing thin lines down my cheeks. “I was trying to make

by the wound. “You did a great job with that.” “I know,” I replied smugly, whilst crying. “Sunshine, you are incredible. You are the strongest woman I have ever met,” he whispered as if he were revealing the greatest secret. I

“Those were men with many years of combat training. You survived,

wrapped my arms around him and placed my head on his broad chest.” Teach me how to

“You won’t need to defend yourself. I will never leave

I want to know how to properly punch

a quick kiss on my lips. “All right. I will

as long as it would let me feel less helpless the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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