Shadow Slave

Chapter 55

When they returned to the makeshift camp, the first thing that Nephis did was come up to Cassie.

"Hey, Cas. Guess what."

The blind girl turned to her and smiled:

"You've finally received an armor-type Memory?"

Simultaneously, Nephis said:

"I found something decent to wear…"

Then she fell silent and stared at her smiling friend. Cassie laughed:

"The sound of your footsteps changed."

Changing Star blinked.

"Ah. I see. Well… it's from the Carapace Centurion."

While she was describing the armor to Cassia and letting her touch the mysterious white metal it was forged out of, Sunny relaxed and rested by the fire.

Some time later, Nephis was busy preparing dinner. Sunny was once again lying lazily on the stones and staring into the sky.

The sky, like always, was grey and unfriendly.

With all three of them equipped with decent armor, they were finally starting to resemble a real Awakened cohort. In fact, Sunny thought that their group was rather eye-catching even by Awakened standards.

In her light tunic and sea-wave cloak, beautiful and delicate Cassie looked like a princess. Lithe and poised, Nephis was like a noble knight tasked with protecting her. Sunny, however…

If he was generous to himself, he would say that he looked like a young squire.

three of them, that stranger would

add to their surprise when I stab them in

why would he stab a random

I'm sure there'll be a

his head, looking at the blind girl

She bit her lip.

that you almost died

that's what

He shrugged.


a silent sigh,

worry about it too much. It's not my

as he knew, the closest.

silent for a while.

"I'm sorry."

Sunny raised his eyebrows.


blind girl lowered her

"For being so useless."

looked away. A second or two later, he said in

"You're not useless."

Cassie softly chuckled.

eat, I need to wait for one of you to feed me. That's my life now. I can't do even the simplest of things without your help… let alone

turned raw with emotion. This was the first time Sunny had seen her mask of resolve slip a little, revealing the desperate, angry, frightened face

told you

blind girl shook her

bleeding, defenseless. What's worse, my Aspect turned out to be completely useless. I mean, literally.

head slightly, visibly


Sunny smiled.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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