Shadow Slave

Chapter 64

"Let me guess. You want to kill it…"

Nephis continued to stare at him with her usual unreadable expression. After a while, Sunny chuckled and shook his head in disbelief.

"You really are crazy. That's… that's an awakened demon we're talking about, remember? Have you forgotten that we're just Sleepers?"

Then he frowned and scratched his head.

"W—wait a second. I feel like we already had this conversation before. Doesn't it feel familiar?"

Cassie glanced at the two of them and politely cleared her throat.

"Actually, you had said pretty much the exact same thing right before we decided to attack that first carapace centurion."

Sunny beamed.

"Yes! Exactly! And how did that end up? I almost got killed!"

Nephis shrugged indifferently.

"You survived, didn't you?"

He froze with his mouth open, too flabbergasted by the sheer audacity of her remark to answer immediately. A few seconds later, Sunny was finally able to speak again.

"That's not the point!"

Cassie gently touched her friend on the shoulder and whispered.

"Neph! That's not a very nice thing to say."

Changing Star's face flushed a little. Glancing aside, she hesitated and said:

uh… we've won in the end, didn't we? It was a risk we had to take, and it paid off. We've

Demon was already inevitable, but couldn't bring himself to stop

tall you won't even be able to poke it with your sword! What are we

and looked at him

"It's just an…"

"...awakened demon, I know!"

and shook his head again, feeling like

had realized a long time ago that there was a deep dark well hidden behind her seemingly radiant

had ever known Nephis was, her personal demons were especially dreadful. Much more dreadful than the terrifying Carapace Demon, at least.

rip all the rewards that the world owed

life. Why else would she be so willing to risk it? Sunny just couldn't understand that logic. It was irrational and paradoxical! What can be more important than

Nephis in the eyes and

We were literally

at him for a while and then simply


Sunny laughed.

is the truth, I'll give you

laughter died down, he wiped the corner of his eye

it, as the only one who actually saw the Carapace Demon… we won't be

Nephis scowled.

"Your point?"

Sunny spread his hands.

Yes, we

appeared on his

doesn't mean that we

thought about it, then

"You have a plan?"

Sunny shook his head.

me sleep on it. However, there's one thing I

remembering the Carapace Demon's disturbing, bestial face. In the ensuing silence, Cassie turned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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