Shadow Slave

Chapter 69

The giant demon was engulfed in flames, shining like a bright beacon in the hungry darkness of the night. His polished armor blazed with reflected light, sending radiant glints in all directions. Drops of burning oil were falling to the ground, flaring up as they hit the ashen sand.

For a second, it seemed as though time had stopped. Sunny was staring at the incandescent glow of the fire, his eyes wide, almost failing to believe that they had actually pulled this insanity off. Nephis was frozen by his side, her hand still outstretched after the throw.

But they really did, they pulled it off. Sunny never seriously considered facing the Carapace Demon in an honest battle… if a battle between a giant death machine and three powerless humans could even be called honest. However, their lacking strength did not mean that they could not murder the evil creature.

They just had to be smart about how to do it. For example, they could find something stronger to do the dirty work for them…

That's why he had concocted a plan to sneak onto the Ashen Barrow, wait for the night to come, lit the behemoth aflame and watch it be torn apart by the terrifying monsters of the dark sea.

And now they were halfway to making that plan a reality.

Of course, the most dangerous part was yet to come — they still had to survive the attack of the creatures of the black water themselves. And before that…

The Carapace Demon roared with fury, making Sunny feel like his ears were going to bleed. The roar sounded like a deafening cacophony of rusted metal being torn apart by giant claws. Two scarlet eyes shone through the conflagration of flames, piercing the young man with a concentrated beam of murderous hatred.

…Before that, they had to last until the sea monsters arrive.

The infuriated demon was out for their blood, and no one knew how much time it would take for the dark sea creatures to appear on the Ashen Barrow. Sunny was scared that the demon was capable of performing ranged attacks. If not, he might be able to climb the tree to get to them, or try to kill them in a way that they had not even considered. In the worst-case scenario, they would have to endure his rage for quite a while.

Looking into the giant's hateful eyes, he sensed that the creature was thinking in the same direction. When the demon glanced in the direction of the great tree's obsidian trunk, Sunny's heart suddenly skipped a bit.

However, in the end, cold rationality won over seething rage in the Carapace Demon's mind. Instead of wasting time trying to get to the three tiny humans, he suddenly rolled on the ground, hoping to use the sand to douse the flames dancing on his carapace.

The whole island shook, almost throwing Sunny off the branch.


Why did the bastard have to be so smart?

For a moment, Sunny entertained the idea that the demon was actually going to succeed in extinguishing the fire before the dwellers of the depths had noticed it.

But he didn't have to worry.

Suddenly, Nephis turned to face the dark surface of the sea. Her face paled slightly. Sunny was a second late to react, but almost instantly, he too felt a strange change in the world around them.

It was hard to describe with words. The rustle of the scarlet leaves suddenly felt quieter, the sound of the waves crashing against the shores of the ashen island louder. It was as though some invisible pressure descended on the world, making everything feel slightly different.

Then, the air became colder, and a wall of thick fog appeared above the dark waters.

the flames and rose from the sand, the oil still burning on his

replaced by dark resolve

it was flowing against the wind. The sound of waves was now muffled

was moving. He could almost make

It was… it was…

Cassie's small palm covered his eyes. With her voice trembling with tension, she


obediently shutting his eyes. A cold sense of fright wrapped itself around his heart. He had never heard the blind girl's voice sound

Blinded, he could only rely

that was what he thought until the cold fog touched his skin. Then, in

distorted and coming from the wrong


feeling his hair stand on end. The sound of the blind girl's distorted voice echoed in the fog, surrounding him from all sides. Instead of growing quieter, it

look, don't

grew even louder still and turned into a cacophony of screams, crashing into Sunny like a wave, sounding nothing like what human


paralyzed, stunned by the onslaught of inhuman shrieks. All he could do was try not to

world, making him exhale with relief. It

later, Cassie

"Open your eyes."

sound of her voice, Sunny was

Then he stopped.

and melodic. It



calm? Why didn't he feel the warmth of her breath as she leaned close to whisper into his

how could she lean… if he

froze, afraid to even breathe. Cassie's clear,

"Open your eyes… open…"

it exploded with cold,


But he didn't.

Each of them felt like an eternity. Sunny trembled, practically feeling his body aging. Finally, the

"No matter… no matter…"

the sound of waves again. He could also hear Cassie and Neph breathing ruggedly beside him. It seemed

And also…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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