Shadow Slave

Chapter 138

Without a doubt, it was Caster — the only person Sunny had ever seen defeat Nephis in a fight, even if it was just during training.

Back at the Academy, Caster had been a star of their batch of Sleepers. Handsome and friendly, he was not only popular, but also respected. And although it pained Sunny to admit it, that wasn't only because of his lofty status of a Legacy.

Even other Legacies looked up to him. Many even considered him to be the true king of the rankings, speculating that Changing Star had gotten her first place by mistake.

Caster was powerful, skilled, and charming. He was also humble and had an amiable personality that made it hard for anyone not to like him. His background was impeccable, and his future was unquestionably bright.

Basically, he was the polar opposite of Sunny.

'Damn! I knew that voice sounded familiar!'

Sunny turned his head and stared at the handsome young man in utter bewilderment.

What was that guy doing here?

The two Sleepers who didn't even know how close they had come to tasting the sharp edge of the Midnight Shard were doing the same. There was no more excitement on their faces.

"Oh. It's you."

'That was my line!'

Caster looked at them with a silent smile. There was no apparent hostility in his eyes, but for some reason, Gunlaug's men seemed to lose their desire to stir trouble. After glancing at each other, one of them said in a hesitant tone:

"You know this guy, Caster?"

He gave them a nod.

"Yeah. We were in the Academy together. Don't mind his rude behavior, guys — that's just how he is. Rough around the edges, but really nice once you get to know him well."

'Since when do we know each other?'

He understood that Caster was just trying to defuse the situation.

sure of his ability to dispatch a couple of thugs… but what would happen next? He doubted that other members of Gunlaug's host would just

the castle on his first day here would have been

keep the appearance of being in control, they

Caster. Next

they turned around and retreated back to their seats, throwing menacing looks at anyone who dared to stare at them. Soon, the grand hall was once again filled

his eyes and then turned to Sunny, his

a very smart thing to do,

Sunny scoffed.

well… who says

no, that didn't come out

young man stared at him for a few

is very nice to see you. Both of

he sat down, as though

to talk to people with whom

Sunny didn't like

glance at Cassie,

you very shocked to see us

Caster hesitated.

is good that you managed to

of admitting that yes, he

and Cassie had been seen as two walking corpses by all the other Sleepers in the Academy. Just like Nephis and Caster occupied the top two positions in

the cold treatment of his peers, but had

had wanted to be around them, as though afraid of becoming infected by the invisible aura of death that followed them wherever they went. Sunny himself had been guilty of avoiding Cassie as much as

must have been very strange to see the two of them alive and

Cassie smiled.

"Thank you."

her smile and asked, his

Cassia, right? And

him a curt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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