Shadow Slave

Chapter 143

Despite the fact that Gunlaug's heavy presence permeated every centimeter of the castle, the Bright Lord himself was strangely elusive. He didn't show himself often, preferring to rule through his five proxies. Whether it was out of arrogance, paranoia or some other reason, Sunny did not know.

After the incident with Seishan, he was afraid to let his shadow walk too freely and tried to avoid going anywhere near the fearsome master of the ancient stronghold. Because of these precautions, he had not seen Gunlaug until their fifth day in the castle.

As it turned out, when Golden Serpent did show up, he liked to leave an impression.

Sunny and Cassie were about to receive their usual breakfast when the whole grand hall suddenly grew deathly silent. Feeling that something was wrong, they turned to the entrance — just in time to see a torrent of Guards pouring inside.

Sunny's heart skipped a beat.

'What's this?'

Fearing for the worst, he tried to think of the best way to escape… but luckily, the menacing soldiers of the Host paid them no attention. Instead, they quickly dispersed around the hall and moved the long tables to the walls, creating a large open space in the middle.

Cassie grasped Sunny's shoulder and whispered:

"What is going on?"

He hesitated, then answered uncertainly:

"I'm not sure…"

sight of Caster standing among the crowd. The handsome young man had a solemn look on his

one, all the Sleepers turned to face the same

alcove and stood at the steps leading up to

noticed him, an involuntary shudder run through his

most. It was a strange, pale man with a bony face and glassy, emotionless eyes.

no adornments and holding himself with a bit of awkwardness,

punishment. If Gunlaug wanted everyone to know about his displeasure, there would be rivers of blood left in his wake. If not, there wouldn't be even

would just disappear, as though they

was Gunlaug's

eyes staring at them from the darkness. For some, those nightmares became a

most, however, was that looking at Harus was like looking at a dark mirror. Despite the fact that they were almost nothing

to be precise, of a possible

way… I am… I am much more pleasant

away before the hunchback felt his stare, Sunny turned his head and looked at the tall

was a man, and not some

Gunalug was clad in a strange, gilded armor that covered his tall figure from head to toe, not leaving even his eyes exposed. It seemed simultaneously solid and liquid, almost flowing over his mighty muscles

place where his face should have been, a smooth and empty expanse of polished gold reflected the frightened faces of hundreds of Sleepers back at them. Sunny saw his own reflection staring at him and suddenly realized how small and weak

His legs trembled.

near Sunny were going through a similar kind of experience as him. Their faces were pale, their eyes wide, drops of sweat appearing on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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