Shadow Slave

Chapter 145

The whole spectacle was so smoothly orchestrated that Sunny was almost tempted to believe in it. Of course, he knew better.

The only thing he didn't know was whether the bits performed by the Pathfinder and Gemma were rehearsed in advance or improvised on the fly to fulfill their lord's desire to maintain appearances while having the man who had dared to speak openly against him publicly executed.

And that was what this was, an execution. Sunny didn't believe for a second that Gunlaug was going to give the brave hunter a chance to leave the grand hall alive. No, he wanted him dead, and he wanted everyone to see him die.

…Lest they get the idea that it was possible to run their mouths against him and escape unscathed.

And yet, and yet… a tiny ember of hope still burned in Sunny's heart. From the looks of it, Jubei was an experienced hunter. A capable, seasoned warrior who faced numerous monsters and ended up on top every time. He was very strong, with enough willpower and resolve to crush rocks into dust. Perhaps a miracle would happen.

No matter how small, there was a possibility.

That's why Sunny couldn't understand why Gunlaug would be willing to risk his right-hand man's life in this farce.

…As though reading his thoughts, the Bright Lord spoke:

"A challenge? Ah, so be it. This is a sacred tradition, indeed. As long as good men are willing to put their lives on the line for the sake of righteousness, depravity can't win…"

The crowd of Sleepers exploded into whispers. Some of them were tense and somber, others filled with dark anticipation. The corner of Sunny's mouth turned downwards.

From what he could see, depravity had already won, or at least gotten the upper hand.

But Gunlaug wasn't done speaking:

"...However, it would not be suitable for you to represent the accused personally, Gemma. The Bright Castle can't afford to lose you, my friend. Jubei, would you mind if the accused chose another champion?"

The hunter from the outer settlement simply shrugged and said:

"Bring your worst, cowards."

Bright Lord turned to the Pathfinder and tilted his head. With his suddenly pale face reflected in the eerie mask of the strange golden armor, the murderer remained silent for a few moments, and then said in a quiet voice:

choose Harus, my

felt cold shivers running down his spine. Why did it

deathly silence, Jubei smirked and spat

"Even better!"

that he had a score to

the Pathfinder who had named

a dark expression. Tessai grinned, as though expecting a good spectacle. Kido grew a little pale and took a little step sideways, trying to distance herself from the descending hunchback as much

any emotion to appear

about to happen, Cassie squeezed

I want

short pause, he answered

sorry. We can't leave

near Gunlaug's scarecrow, he knew that leaving now would draw too much attention. They couldn't risk

He couldn't miss the chance to see one of the most dangerous creatures in this deceptively peaceful

within his heart that one day, somehow, he and Harus were going to end up bloodied, with only one of them walking away

a string of

Jubei in the empty space that had been cleared in the center of the grand hall. His face was still motionless

Sunny held his breath.

Jubei summoned his Memories. A flexible armor made out of red scales appeared on his body, complete with a winged helmet and a kite shield. In his hand, a curved scimitar weaved itself from the

Harus and said in a

you're capable

fall on the floor. Then, he grimaced and straightened his spine as much as he could, suddenly losing the appearance of a small and fragile

his full height, Harus towered above most of the Sleepers in the grand hall, losing only to the giant Tessai. His monstrous, twisted shape radiated a sense of deep, bestial power. He didn't bother to summon any Memories,

Jubei scowled.

"So be it."

of anxiety, Sunny held his

the scimitar. His movements were incredibly fast and nimble, his technique sharpened by years of

'Good… he's good…'

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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