Shadow Slave

Chapter 166

Changing Star frowned. There was a hint of surprise visible in her cold, grey eyes.

"My… goal? Isn't it obvious?"

She gestured to the slum that surrounded them and the magnificent castle towering above it.

"I'm trying to help these people. What else?"

Sunny sighed.

Then, turning his face away, he asked:

"Hey, have I ever told you about my sister?"

Nephis blinked.

"No. Why bring this up all of the sudden?"

He smiled wistfully.

"I just was reminded of her recently, so I thought I'd share. You see… our parents died when we were little. She got adopted, but I ended up on the streets. Life wasn't really sweet for me. In fact, it was nothing but unsavory and bitter. So, young as I was, I simply imagined that it was the same for her. That's why I got obsessed with the idea of finding her. I had this fantasy in my head, you know, of saving and protecting her. Becoming a family again."

Sunny grimaced.

"But how could a penniless undesirable like me find anyone? You know how the city databases are. Even if they're functional, unsealing anything requires you to be a citizen, and one of a considerable rank, too. However, I was ready to do anything to accomplish my goal. So, I saved up money. A street kid can't earn much, but even then, I saved up as much as I could."

A dark expression appeared on his face.

eat, I would keep putting away the pathetic amount of credits I had earned through doing all kinds of horrid crap.

He smiled.

my money to that guy and told him to find my sister. And you know what? He did. One day, about a month

few moments, then asked in

what happened? Did

rubbed his face, glanced

her near the tram terminal. Only at that time, I didn't recognize her. You see, despite my lofty ideas of being her savior, I couldn't even really remember what she looked like. There was this girl, around twelve years old, wearing a tidy school uniform. She was walking in the same direction as me. I only realized that it was her after she entered the house from the

for a while, then continued, his voice

family living in it, can you imagine? Well, I guess you can. Anyway… there was even a lawn. And a window… a big window that shined

own embarrassing

her well. She had real food, and enough of it to never go hungry. She

at him

what did you

he just stood there, watching those happy people. How he looked down at his own frail body, his dirty and ragged clothes, the bruises on his bloodied knuckles. And realized how utterly out of place he was

She probably didn't even remember that he existed. More than that, returning into her life would not bring anything good to her. He didn't have anything pleasant

while Sunny was standing in

himself in after this, nothing would

remaining motionless for a long time, he slowly

that, he began showing the first symptoms

the rest

the unpleasant memories, Sunny pretended to be carefree and

ever done. I turned around and

slowly shook her

the anger finally finding its way into

a cretin like me was able to realize that the person he wanted to save didn't need his saving. So please tell me, Neph, why is it that you, with all your intelligence and clarity, can't seem to

at him, a deep frown appearing

my intention to help these people?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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