Shadow Slave

Chapter 168

Sunny grimaced and turned away, feeling a terrible headache. The sun was almost gone, and the night was following in its footsteps. He didn't have much time left.

With a desperate smile, Sunny looked and Changing Star and asked:

"What can be so damn important? What can be so valuable that you are ready to condemn everyone here to death?!"

He shook his head, guessing that he already knew.

"Don't tell me that it's some stupid crap like bringing the glory of the Immortal Flame clan back. Duty of the Awakened? What, you gave a terrible oath to become the first human to conquer the Fourth Nightmare, like your father conquered the Third, and your grandfather the Second? Or even worse, is it something even more foolish? Are you planning to save the damn world?!"

Nephis stared at him for a few moments, and then grinned. Something dangerous and unfamiliar awakened in her eyes… no, not completely unfamiliar.

It was the same strange, maniacal glimmer he had seen once before, right after saying the three strange words to her.

Aster, Song, Vale.

Back then, for a few moments, Changing Star had turned from a calm and composed young woman into someone he wasn't sure he recognized anymore.

With a soft chuckle, Neph shook her head.

"Save the world? No, I'm not going to save the world, Sunny."

Then, the smile disappeared from her face, and white flames suddenly ignited in the depths of her cold, grey eyes. With dark and frightening conviction, she said:

"I'm going to destroy it."

Her words echoed in the darkness, making Sunny feel an irrational feeling of dread. He stared at her, both failing to comprehend and afraid to believe in what she had just heard.

Destroy... the world? What?

Deeply inhaling the cool air, Changing Star looked up at the sky.

"This world, Sunny. This cursed place. The Dream Realm. No, I won't be the first one to conquer the Fourth Nightmare. I will be the first one to conquer every Nightmare. I'll go through them one after another, destroying anything and anyone who stands in my way. And when I get to the heart of the Nightmare Spell, I'm going to obliterate every part of it, I'm going to rip it to shreds, I'm going to decimate and bring it to ruin."

him in

stop me? Those three ghouls can stop me? No, Sunny. Nothing will stop me. Anyone

Sunny stared at her with

something cold touch the back of his neck. Then, he grimaced and asked, a hint

to destroy

curled up slightly. After a

"Because I hate it."

that answer. If it was someone else, he would have

world. She did things simply because she wanted to, and apparently wanted to destroy

Why the hell not?

his eyes and

"You are actually insane."

Neph smiled.

to be insane in a world that has gone mad? I would be wary of

Then, she sighed.

are we done here? Or do you have more questions? The sun is almost gone, so you'd better hurry

shook his head and said,

Neph. I'm

slowly turned around and took

Left behind, Nephis frowned.

going? Come

and said in a suppressed tone, refusing to turn

errand to

frown deepened. Looking at his back, Changing Star gritted her teeth


was no

already disappeared into the shadows, leaving her standing alone in the alley that was brightly lit by the last


The young man was very gaunt back

…Physically, at least.

was the early hour of the

his thoughts and emotions. But, strangely, both his heart and mind were empty. He couldn't be bothered to think or feel anything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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