Shadow Slave

Chapter 175

On the way out of the castle, Kai was strangely silent. Sunny didn't mind, because he had a lot to think about.

Going back to that lodge… there were a lot of things there that he had hoped to never see, feel, or experience again. For a moment, he even thought about rushing straight back to his cathedral without making good on his promise.

But why should he? It's not like he asked to be invited back. Nephis was the one who wanted his help with something.

'Just pretend like you don't care. Also, demand to be compensated for whatever it is they want you to do. You're an outsider now, and your services won't be cheap.'

Yeah, that was the best option. He wasn't going to agree to anything that didn't serve his own selfish interests. And there were a lot of things that Changing Star, with her thriving hunting party and following, could provide him with.

There was this one thing in particular, something he really wanted to do, but couldn't on his own. Maybe they would be able to help him with that...

As they were approaching the lodge, Kai suddenly asked in a serious tone:

"Sunny… why did you want me to come with you, really?"

Sunny sighed. Glancing at the charming archer, he hesitated, then said:

"I want you to tell me if I'm being lied to."

Kai frowned.

"I thought that Lady Nephis was your friend. Why are you so wary of her?"

Sunny chuckled.

Was she a friend? Even he didn't know what exactly the two of them were to each other. Worse yet, he wasn't sure what they would become.

"She's the kind of friend you don't really want to lower your guard around."

He lingered for a moment, then added:

"There's also a guy called Caster. He's the one I especially don't trust."

The archer raised his eyebrows.

things about Caster. Why

him and scowled. To be honest, Caster hadn't really done anything to deserve his hostility. But there just was something

Perhaps he was wrong, but the policy of always assuming the worst had too

just gives

answer, Kai shrugged and followed Sunny into

since his last visit. It had already looked pretty presentable back when he was a member, but now, the

that it had grown much bigger. During the months of his absence, additional structures were built to expand it both horizontally and

white road. A couple of lookouts were visible on the roof, observing the ruins below.

a far cry from how things were

tasks. Sunny froze for a moment, disoriented by all the activity. He almost felt as though

floor and various tapestries hanging on the sturdy stone

rot of hopelessness was almost gone from their eyes, replaced with energy and

an end to all this

saw, Nephis was almost asking to be destroyed. How

young woman who greeted them

I help

girl, trying to remember if he knew her. No one came to mind. Trying

"Neph is expecting me."

The young woman blinked.


Sunny rolled his eyes.

Lady Nephis is expecting me. You know…

young woman's eyes

Let me

sure that he did. With all the changes that happened to the lodge, he had no idea where

way, they passed the tiny room that used to belong to him. Just as they were walking by, Sunny glanced inside and saw that it

owner left on the narrow cot. They were Caster's. A corner


thoroughly replaced by the scion of the Han Li clan. Well, whatever. The cot was not very comfortable anyway, unlike his luxurious wide

led them to the area that used to be the central hall of the old lodge. Now, it was separated from


that moment a lot of times

the cohort would happen in the presence of an unreasonably attractive, washed-out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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