Shadow Slave

Chapter 184

The mighty huntress stared at the Stone Saint, her hand hovering in the air, ready to grasp the shaft of the spear. Her beautiful hazel eyes were full of tension and dark anticipation.

The contrast between that fierce pose and the fact that she was still comfortably wrapped in a blanket was so funny that Sunny couldn't help but snicker.

"Gee, relax. Haven't you seen an Echo before?"

Effie blinked.

"That thing… is yours? Wait, you got an Echo?!"

He gave her a nod and gestured at the Stone Saint.

"Yes, I did. Meet Saint. Aint' she a beauty?"

The huntress stared at the taciturn creature, then scowled with outrage.

"You lucky bastard! You do know that I haven't even caught a sniff of an Echo after three years in this pit? How dare you get one before me, huh?"

Sunny laughed.

"Actually, this was my second Echo. The first one got killed in the Labyrinth."

Effie glared at him for a long time, then shook her head with an expression of utter dejection. Finally, she turned to the Shadow and studied her.

"Wait… is she what I think she is?"

Sunny nodded.


the blanket behind, walked barefoot around

manage to kill one of those things and

found himself involuntary studying Effie from all angles as well, blinked a couple of times and

clash, to say the least. I just happened

at the Shadow

"What class is she?"

Sunny smiled.

Anyway, you can see how it's not impossible to hunt

for a bit, then gave Sunny

you are,

up, lingered for

what I have planned, showing her to you is sort

silent, then gave him a mischievous

kinds of fun. But, Sunny… Nightmare Creatures is where

frowned, not quite getting what she

a degenerate are you?! Training! I wanted to

unruly huntress

nothing wrong with being a bit inexperienced, at your age. In fact, it's quite charming! You

inexperienced?! I'm plenty experienced! Wait… crap.

from laughter, Effie left Sunny to fume with outrage and walked over to the makeshift kitchen while shaking her head. Soon, the tantalizing smell of roasting

going to kill her. Should I kill her? It's going to be pure self-defense, anyway. A week of this

hard to calm down. When his thoughts returned to their usual cadence,

time to


way back to the cathedral, Sunny had made a

decided not to augment his body with the power of the shadow during his practice with the Stone

to bring him a lot of pain in the future, he was adamant about his choice. There were several reasons why he wanted to face his pet monster with his own physical ability

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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