Shadow Slave

Chapter 187

Trying to learn the secrets of the shadow was a very slow process. Sunny could only see glimpses of the mysterious battle style while fighting against the Stone Saint, and doing so usually required his full attention. As long as he wasn't fully concentrated on his opponent, their clashes ended in mere seconds, making so that there was nothing to observe.

But when he concentrated on the battle at hand, he couldn't really pay any attention to the shadow, which in turn eliminated the possibility of observing it. Finding the right balance between the two tasks was not easy, not to mention painful. Every time he failed, a new bruise appeared on his body.

And yet, there was progress. Although Sunny was still unable to peer into the depths of the battle art, he was slowly beginning to get a feel for it. His shadow was more treacherous, fluid, and malleable than he was. There was a hint of a graceful cadence to its movements that lacked in his.

It was as though it was performing a dance. A shadow dance.

Frustrated by the lack of a breakthrough, Sunny wanted to push himself harder, but had to stop himself. Even considering the tenacious effects of the Blood Weave, his training regimen had already brought his body to its limits. He needed to preserve its condition if he was going to join Nephis on her long expedition…

Unless he wanted to enter the Labyrinth while crippled with exhaustion and injuries, of course.

What Sunny failed to realize due to the lack of experience — and the fact that he had been mostly self-taught — was that this accomplishment had already made him an outlier as far as humans went. Most novices weren't even able to master the superficial aspects of different battle styles, let alone recognize their fundamental traits for what they were.

They simply followed the rules without understanding them, regarding styles as something indubitable and rigid. Only the most experienced fighters had enough understanding of the essence of a battle art to attempt to manipulate it.

So he was already far ahead of the curve.

But since Sunny never had a proper mentor, he had no idea that he was trying to accomplish something that an average human would never be able to do. His only point of reference was Nephis, who was an absolute outlier herself.

If renowned masters of combat arts were to learn that a self-taught youth from the outskirts had managed to dismantle two incredibly complex battle styles into basic elements and assemble them together to better suit his tastes, while also trying to learn a third one from his shadow, they would be stunned.

However, Sunny just thought that he was unsuccessful and incredibly slow.

'Ugh! Maybe I'm just stupid…'

Picking himself up from the floor, Sunny sighed and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Then, he glanced at the Stone Saint and leaned on the wall.

"You're done for today?"

Effie was nearby, dying from boredom. Watching Sunny torture himself was her only way to entertain herself in this dark room.

Well, that and torturing him herself. Among other things.


He gave her a tired nod.

I think so. It's already dusk, so I'll

narrowed her

to ask. How do you even know what time of day it is? There's no windows here, and we can't hear

with a gloomy expression

Crimson Spire. I

a couple of times, then

see. Anyway, since you're done… can I have a turn

gritted his teeth and

"She's not my girlfriend!"

then did he realize what Effie was asking. She had never shown interest in sparring with the Stone

Not that it mattered.

"And no, you can't."


"What? Why?"

Sunny scoffed.

to explain it? It's too dangerous! What if something

Effie giggled.

train with her all day every day, but you think that, for me,

He shook his head.

I die. If something happens to you, however, I'm going to get killed by Nephis. The end result is the

She crossed her arms.

want to see which one

Sunny scowled.

even think

silently glared


The huntress grinned.

That's not going to


staring at the scene in front

did it come to

stood Effie and the Stone Saint. The elbows of their right hands rested on the table, while their palms were pressed against

Shadow was taciturn and indifferent, while

preparing to arm

at him

I overpower your girlfriend, you'll owe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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