Shadow Slave

Chapter 190

Sunny was walking at the back of the cohort, but his shadow was scouting ahead. Without it by his side, he was rather uncomfortable.

'I wonder if I can summon the Stone Saint while it is away. How have I never thought to check it?'

Without both his shadow and his Shadow, Sunny felt almost nacked. At least he had other people with him, including three powerhouses — Nephis, Caster, and Effie.

Come to think of it, he had never seen Kai in action. The beautiful archer didn't look like someone extremely dangerous, but Sunny wasn't deceived. Weak people did not survive on the Forgotten Shore for years, especially not if their Aspect Ability made them the perfect person to venture outside the Dark City.

With his unique Aspect Ability, Kai had to fight against the type of terrifying creatures that Sunny knew very little about, too — the flying abominations that lived in the clouds. Like the Spire Messengers.


Speaking of Kai…

Sunny hastened his steps and caught up to the charming young man. Glancing at Cassie, who did not seem like she wanted to say anything to him, he frowned for a moment, and then turned to Nightingale:

"Hey there, Night. How's life?"

The archer looked at him with a friendly smile.

"Oh, hey. Good, I guess? I mean… the weather is nice."

Sunny blinked a couple of times. The weather was never nice on the Forgotten Shore. It was either too cold, too damp, or too hot. Honestly, he even missed the Black Mountain sometimes. At least it was consistent.

Not one to make polite talk, Sunny went straight to the question he really wanted to ask:

"So, really… what are you doing here?"

Kai glanced at him with a bit of confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Sunny sighed.

told me, your life in the castle was nothing short of peaceful. You have enough shards to stay there for a long time, everyone likes you, and even the Host treats you nicely because of how useful your Ability

beautiful archer lingered

well are being used to

it for a bit,

won't the danger you will face in this expedition be much worse than the one

Kai smiled.

certainly will. But, Sunny… there is something else that you failed

Sunny frowned.

don't tell me that you became one of

charming young

I don't think so. At least not in

was silent for a

things clearly. But really,

on his

came to the Forgotten Shore thirty-one months ago. Do you know how many of us reached the

Sunny shook his head.

The archer grimaced.

how many

was silent for

safe, but actually, the Host is constantly bleeding people. Every week, a few hunters don't

Kai sighed.

most often of all, something comes into the outer settlement and simply drags away people. That's not even mentioning those who die of hunger, desperation, or by another human's hand. Do you… do

on him. Seeing

to take their

had he not thought about it

Meanwhile, Kai continued:

recoup its losses. What happens if that Spell Cycle theory that people have

head, a dark

six hundred humans left in the Dark City. And two years from now… there will be only a dozen or two. It takes a lot of

archer glanced at him and

left. Am I strong enough to be among

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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