Shadow Slave

Chapter 208

Walking over to Kai, Sunny cleared his throat and forced himself to not cover his eyes. The damn archer was just too dazzling. Him being shirtless in crowded places should have honestly been categorized as a public hazard back in the real world.

If not, there was a gross oversight.

'I wonder how he was made. Probably in a secret government laboratory or a magic cauldron of some sort. I mean, there's no way that this dude is the same species as me… right?'

After a few seconds of Sunny blankly staring at him, Kai smiled politely:

"Uh, Sunny? Did you want something?"

Sunny flinched and covered his eyes.

"Ah! Don't smile at me!"

Kai blinked.


Breathing heavily, Sunny glared at him and slowly lowered his hand.

"That's better. And yes, I did want something."

Kai suddenly livened up and pointed at his chest.

"What is that? An accessory?"

'What is he…'

Lowering his gaze, Sunny noticed the mysterious key hanging on a thread tied around his neck.

He didn't really want to show it to anyone, but with the Puppeteer's Shroud restoring itself in the Soul Sea, there were not a lot of places where he could hide it.

None that he was willing to use, at least...

Plus, no one else was supposed to be able to see the light of divinity, so to them, it just looked like a small iron key.

Sunny frowned.

"It's not an accessory. It's a key. "

Kai hesitated.

What does

Sunny shrugged.

"How should I know?"

seemed a

if it's not an accessory and it doesn't open anything, why are you carrying it

starting to get

open something, of

Kai scratched his nose.

you just said that you don't know what

Sunny gritted his teeth.

I just carry it around in case I find something that can be opened by

beautiful archer gave him a strange


how I planned to

changed his expression and looked at Kai with


what I wanted to say was that I hope that this answer satisfies your curiosity. That's something a friend

charming young man gave him a dubious

"I guess?"

feeling his

your lucky day, buddy. Because today — and only today, probably! — Sunny's Gorgeous Emporium offers customers an exclusive friendship deal. Just for friends of the establishment. Aren't you

Kai suddenly coughed.


Sunny blinked.

matter. The deal still stands. Are you interested

archer lingered for a few moments,

what exactly that deal entails. Is it a deal for customers you consider friends or are you trying to

for that response, Sunny nodded

to part with it. But since you are my friend, I am willing to

the two of them.

he is now the

What is that incredible

for a few

Memory that

eyes suddenly lit up. He glanced

You really

Arrow to Kai. Having

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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