Chapter 189: Saved by Finnick


"There is absolutely no way this is going to fucking work,* I said out loud as I stood before the mirror, staring at my reflection. They had expected me to go out looking like I stepped out of a dominatrix book dressed in black leather pants and a backless red halter top with no bra and bad girl vibes to a small party in the center of town.

Now, granted. I was all down for the look. It was actually something I would have picked out for myself had I been back on Earth. Stuff that I wore quite often, frequently when I was out and about. But this was not the exact look I was going for when I thought I had to impress everybody.

Turning to face Freya and Sansa, who stood behind me. watching with excitement on their faces as they too got ready, even though Freya said she wasn't actually going to go, she was going to watch and oversee how everything was going, I couldn't help but wonder if they had actually lost their minds.

"You look amazing. I don't understand what you're freaking out about,* Santa replied as she put on gold lipstick and fluffed out her hair that now looked chic and full of curls, and then smoothed down the small, skimpy black dress that she was wearing as if it could get any straighter than it was.

"Isn’t this the complete opposite of what I should be wearing? I mean. I thought it was supposed to impress them, not look like the old Cassie."

"Cassie," Freya replied calmly as she stepped forward. 'You're trying to change who you are, and you don't need to. You need to be the person that you are, the person you’ve always been. The rebel with a fighter spirit, the woman who never gives up. That is the person that everyone initially fell in love with, regardless if you are mortal or not. That is who you are. Show them that strong woman because that is the woman that is going to win all of this."

Some fairy godmother Freya was trying to be. Instead, she was wanting me to hone in on my natural spirit of rebelliousness to overcome the upcoming bullshit I was bound to face. I wasn't quite sure what she was up to, and part of me wondered if she had actually bet against me and if this was her way of making sure that I didn't win. But the other part of me deep down inside, told me she would never do something like that, that she was trying to help me.

"And what if something goes wrong tonight? What if my powers go out of control again? What if I end up hurting somebody? Are you honestly sure that going to this party and drinking is a good idea?"

Sansa and Freya stared at me with slowly nodding heads. I contemplated what I was about to do, and before I knew it, Freya was shoving me out the door with Sansa like two hookers going out for a night on the town.

Nervous didn't even touch on the way I felt as Sansa and I made our way out into the dark night of the city, down the concrete pathways towards the large gate that sat in front of the building we stayed in and out onto the cobble street roads that would lead down into the center of town where a huge soiree was being held outside under the brilliant night sky.

It was a beautiful night. In the distance. Edison lights had been hung up. People gathered around the treeline, their voices and laughter echoing down the road, through the darkness, right toward my ears.

Everyone seemed like they were having a good time, and the closer we got, the more the nervousness actually subsided. People here knew who I was, but they weren't going to make a big deal out of it. At least I hoped they weren't. And sure enough, the closer we got, the more people we passed. I noticed they didn't even look in my direction, which was pleasing because the last thing I wanted was any sort of attention.

sexy friend of his that's always hanging around. Tonight I plan on having fun...* Sansa replied as she turned to

You were supposed to be my wingman. Like, be out here with me. I mean, I don't even know what

supposed to socialize with people. Find somebody to socialize with. These are the people you're going to be in charge of one

I replied quickly. My panicked tone was making my heart race, and as I took deep breaths in and out to try and calm myself, I found that it

*when I was learning how to swim, my mother just pushed me into the lake, and either

overdramatically. "What does that have to do with

as she crossed her arms over her chest. "It was brutal, but I'm going to do the same to you. You can either go mingle and have fun or have a panic attack. Honestly, I would suggest going and

I could even say anything else, Sansa held up her finger, wagging it back and forth as if to tell me no, and then quickly turned and disappeared into the crowd of people. I was a little pissed off she had left me standing there, yes, but I couldn’t blame

woman, but I was a grown- ass woman and I

what I

long wooden table, a variety

the other night, and thinking about it for a moment, whether this was the route I really wanted to go. I gave into my weaknesses,

drank down the entire contents in one go. It was then I noticed nobody else really had the pinkish purple liquid in their

I?" I knew that voice. I hadn't known it very long, but

I replied slightly snarkier than I needed to. *1 could have sworn I didn't belong to you or any man for

grew upon his face. His steps brought him closer to me than I wanted but at the same time,

my face, a cold chill ran through my body I wasn't expecting, and with it my heart began to race. Finn's eyes lit up with excitement at this, and

to escape. All I wanted to do

brought it to my lips as the music flowed around me, it's beat pulsating in my veins as I made my way deeper and

single person here actually seemed to care about what I was doing. In fact, they were too worried about hooking up with each other and the entire college party vibe going on wasn't really my thing. Even though once upon a time Melissa and I had talked about the days

to face a man I didn't know. He wasn't much taller than I was, and with beady brown eyes and a scar on the left

his touch. "No,

The stench of ale upon his breath made my stomach turn. “You think you are better than me, bitch?

this man was speaking to me, and the fact he thought

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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