232-1 Like To Be The In Charge In Be..

He took me upstairs to his room, and I followed him because of my desperation to know about his drawings. There was something that told me he could tell me what was going to happen, or more like he knew something.

After I entered his room, I found him sitting down and facing the wall.

"Sit down," he voiced, not turning his neck around to look at me. I reluctantly sat down and watched him contemplate for the next two minutes.

"You see this picture?" he exclaimed, pointing to a drawing. "It is a drawing of a White Warrior," he said, making my heart sink in my chest as I recalled Colt's words.

"A White Warrior? Is he a comic character?" I played a fool, laughing uncomfortably.

"Why did you assume it is a he?" Markus' question left me silent. "Nobody knows its gender, so let's call the white warrior an it for now," he said with a scoff.

"But you drew a man holding a shield," I said, pointing to the drawing.

And this one is the mistress of doomsday." He didn't answer my question and directed me to another drawing, making me realize I was right to think his drawings had some in-depth meaning to them. Except for the explicit ones, of course. Those were just his nasty desires.

"What is that?" I pointed at one particular drawing on the wall and watched him squirm uncomfortably.

he whispered and then nervously played with his fingers. "He is someone who —ate dragon babies,* he uttered,

I asked in

ate dragon babies?" I was shocked and, honestly speaking, just

Man From Hell will be the —," he then stopped again, "Walking Chaos!" He

knights. He will make sure he ends anything or anyone who will come in his way.* He

Before I could ask him another question, he explained how there was a possibility he could

at a picture in the corner. They were only bodies with similar looking faces. But this one in particular was a bit different from the others. This drawing had a knight with a dragon on a

dragons?" I

his gaze turned sweet, ’There are different ways to do

he will be a good guy?' I

the saviours of living creatures. In short, he will be a one- man army with a dragon by his side, of course." He then let out a laugh before he watched me point at one

Man from the hell,* he claimed and

are holding is about you." He said this as he took the picture

am waking up a dead being." I stared at his face

whatever you wanted to know. But tell me, what am I getting in return for


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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