Chapter 42

Jake stopped the SUV in the passenger loading zone, and two men dressed in dark suits stepped up to the car. Jake came around to help me, and as the other guys climbed out, Patrick stopped to talk to them quietly. Jake passed Patrick the keys, and Patrick handed them to the shorter man, who got in the SUV and drove away. The taller man led us to where Patrick's Private jet was waiting. I followed the guys up the stairs and froze at the entrance, taking in the plane's interior. 1 never thought a plane could look like this. The interior was cream-colored, with two phash couches facing each other and a long wooden coffee table between them. There was a table with four overstuffed chairs around it. A large flat-screen TV was built into a dark wood paneled wall. "Wow," 1 murmured, overwhelmed by the luxury surrounding us. Patrick stopped behind me, resting his hands on my hips and pulling me back to lean against him.

"Are you ok, love?" Patrick asked. I nodded my head.

"Just a little overwhelmed. I never imagined that I would be living like this, doing these things. I shrugged, not knowing how to explain it.

"Love, you have been through so much and done without for so long. Let us spoil you just a little bit. I promise our life is not all private jets and expensive things. Please let us do this for you and us, too. We could all use some time away."

"Ok" I agreed. Patrick kissed me and, with his hand on my lower back, led me to one of the couches, where I settled in between Jake and josh. After a few minutes, the tall stranger who had led us to the plane entered and closed the plane door, double-checking the handle to make sure it was locked correctly. The man walked up to where Patrick was still standing, stopping to whisper to him, Patrick nodded, but as the man turned away, Patrick stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Emmy, love, this is Jamie; he is the head of my security and will be traveling with us. Jamie, this is Emmy; she is your top priority." Jamie nodded his head in understanding, then turned and looked at me.

Miss Jamie inclined his head

not very formal." Jamie nodded his

his seatbelt. I glanced at Jamie curiously; He was just as tall as Patrick and the other guys, with short red hair and hazel eyes. But he must live at the

minutes. A younger man, probably around the guy's age, came out from the front of the plane, introducing himself as Kyle and letting us know he was the attendant for this Eight. He pointed out seatbelts and other safety features in case of an emergency, and I

as we approached the runway; it felt like riding in a huge car. The plane stopped for several minutes, then suddenly the engines roared to life, making me jump, and the plane was speeding down the runway. The aircraft began to rise into the air, and I felt like I was being pushed back against the seat. I gasped, squeezing my eyes closed. I could feel Josh wrapping an arm around me as well. He reminded me this feeling would only last a little bit longer, and once we reached the correct altitude, I wouldn't be able to tell we were even moving. I just hid my face against his shoulder and kept my eyes

popped several times, my stomach settled. I took a couple of deep, calming breaths, sitting up carefully. The guys

angel? Drew asked, leaning forward and placing a hand

hand along my forehead. Kyle had come into the cabin again, and when he spotted me, he turned and hurried back the way he came. A moment later, he was back with a blue vomit bog, some clear sparkling water, and a pill bottle of anti-nausea medicine. Drew thanked him, taking everything from him, shaking out a pill, and hunding it to me, instructing me to put it under my tongue so it would dissolve. I made a face at the slightly sweet, minty taste of the pill as it dissolved. Drew handed me the glass of sparkling water, and I gratefully took a sip. Josh got up and went to the back of the plane, returning with a pillow and soft blanket for me. Josh handed Jake the pillow and helped me lay down; once I was comfortable, Josh covered me up, and Jake began running his fingers through

Mike walked to the TV, angling it to face the couch. He approached me, moving my feet so he could sit down, then putting them back on his

I said, taking another sip of water before

The medicine was starting to take the edge off the nausea, but I did not want to risk moving yet. "How long is the flight?"

an hour, love,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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