

I woke up in bed again, completely confused about how I got there. My head was in Josh's lap, and Drew sat on my other side, holding two fingers against my pulse; he was looking at his watch, and I could see his lips moving as he counted. When he was done, Drew

moved my arm back onto the bed and, seeing I was awake, ran a hand across my forehead.

"Hi, angel, welcome back." Drew smiled gently as he moved his finger before my eyes, ensuring they responded correctly. When he was satisfied that I was ok, he sat back. Jake slid my head onto a pillow and moved to see me better.

"What happened, and why did I pass out? I thought my concussion was gone." I started worrying that something was wrong and I would ruin our lake trip.

you're ok," Jake promised, squeezing my hand to get my attention.

"Baby girl, you're

minutes. Your breathing and pulse are

and needed more care than Drew could give you, none of us would

it was OK to move around, and getting

let me brush out your hair, and then we will be ready to go." Josh kissed me and then went into the bathroom, bringing out my toiletry bag. Sitting down again, he pulled me between his legs

he had worked out the tangles, leaving my hair smooth and straight. He kissed the top of my head as lush put my brush away. Holding his hand out for me, I slid off the bed, and hand in hand, we walked out into the sitting area where the rest of the guys were

cupped his face. "I'm sorry for being a brat earlier," I said quietly." I promise I will behave better."

fingers with mine. There was a flurry of activity around us as the other guys brought out bags; Jamie and Sean were in the hallway with a luggage cart and began loading it up. Mike and I did one final walkthrough, ensuring we didn't leave anything behind. Sean, Patrick, and Jake had already gone down in the elevator. Patrick

watching the scenery go by. I had been to parks in the town before, but nothing compared to the miles of forest passing by us. We stopped in a charming small village for lunch and decided to pick up groceries since we were only

Patrick grabbed a second one, and we split up. I picked produce and things to make quick lunches while the others were responsible for meat and snacks. We quickly filled both carts, and after a trip down the candy aisle for extra chocolate, we were back on the road within an

were finally there, Sean parked in front of the cutest house I had ever seen, and I immediately fell in love with it. The house was surrounded by trees and sat above the lake; I could see stairs leading down to the water from the back of the house. The house was the same shade of green as the surrounding forest, with a river rock decorating the bottom quarter of the house. The stairs leading to the front

the look on Jamie's face turned to one of horror at the thought. Jamie, A city boy through and through, was very much out of his element up here. I'm

more to deal with than the few inches we get at home," I had to agree with Patrick

over eight feet of snow

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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