

My mind maced excited and scared at the same time. Jake and Patrick both said they loved me today. Is this what love is like? Are my feelings that have been growing for all of them what love feels like? Should I ask them? They are the only ones who have ever said "I love you, to me, I have no idea what love feels like. I should ask Take, he would explain it. I think this is love, I love spending time with the guys togellier and one on one. I love that they have included me in their family. I have never really had a family before. My mind continued throwing random ideas at me bil 1 leaned against Jake's chest, exhausted by the m**al circles my mind was running in, Jake gently lifted my chin until I was looking him in the eyes. "Sweetheart, I did not mean to scare you," he told me gently. I do not expect you to say those words until you feel them and are ready." He kissed my forehead as I ted to think of how to explain my thoughts.

"Its not that I'm scared to say it, I just don't really know what love feels like. I mean have seen people that say they are in love, holding hands and kissing, but until you and Patrick told me today, no one has ever said those words to me, that I can remember at least Jake wrapped his arms around me, giving me a careful hug, but stayed quiet as I continued. I just don't know what love feels like, 1 know I'm rambling and not explaining things very well, but how is love supposed to feel? Is it different for everyone? Or does everybody want to spend all their time with the ones they love, and are lonely or missing them when they aren't with you? I'm pertly sure what I'm feeling for all of us is love, but I want to make sure we all feel that way before I say anything, I don't want someone upset because of me. "Eminy, sweetheart, take a breath for me, and let me try to help you understand, at least, what love looks like for me because you are right; it is experienced differently by everyone." I nodded quietly waiting for him to continue. Before he said rything else, he looked at me, cuddled in his lap, and asked if I was starting to feel cold. The water was quickly turning from pleasantly warm, to barely warm, and nor that I noticed goosebumps started running up and down my arms.

"Can we get out of the tub and finish this conversation in the other room?" I asked him. When he saw me give a shiver, he slid me further into the water. In a matter of seconds, take was out of the tub and back with warm towels. Holding one open to wrap around me the second I stepped out onto the tiled floor. Once I was surrounded by the soft warmth, lake swept me up into his arms and walked out of the bathroom, setting me down on the bed. He tossed me some clean panties, along with a clean change of clothes. When I picked up the outfit, lake excused himself, returning several minutes later in a t-shirt and sweats. Sitting next to me on the bed, he pulled me toward him until I was cuddled against him So, sweetheart, 1 show love by making sure you are taken care of and that you have everything you need, physically, emotionally, Intimately." He says the last with a wiggle of his eyebrows that makes me giggle.

"I think I understand," I said. Were you the one who bought all the clothes that were in the closet when you brought me home?" Jake nodded.

even wanted to. As 1 going on when you first got hurt. I wanted to make sure you had everything you needed so you would be

I dont remember. You went out of your way to make sure



you that as often as you need me to, and as often as you want to hear it." He promised, following up his statement with a kiss. "I love,

Peters, I whispered before pulling him down to finish the kiss.

both panting.


me can see it in your eyes, he murmured. Pressing another kiss on my forehead. "Thank you for showing me what being loved feels like," I told him blushing a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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