Shattered Girl Chapter


When we entered the kitchen, Mike was just beinging a platter of burgers from the. The others were spread across the kitchen, prepping burger toppings and bring them to the table. Jamie was off to one side talking with Patrick. Whatever Patrick had said made Patrick smile and when Jamie spotted me, he came over to me. Jake squeered my hand giving me a quick kiss before going to help bring the rest of the food over to the table, Jamie looked a little nervous taking several seconds before he spoke. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok and to apologize for sedating you yesterday." He said. I reached out resting my hand on his enormous bicep, giving it a gentle spareze, "Im doing much better," I assured him. And dont think for a second I'm mad about you giving me that shut. You did what Patrick told you to do, and for the record, I'm not upset with him either. Thank you for helping take care of me." lanie blushed ch a deep red that I actually gigded. At that moment. Patrick came over and slapped lamie on the shoulder

"I told you Emmy wasn't one to hold grudges. Go grab a burger you and Sean are both eating with us tonight, I insist" Jamie grunted, giving me a final once-over like he didn't believe that I was okay. Then, nodding his head, he went to sit at the table. Patrick tacked me under his arm, gave me a squeeze, and then led me over to the table and pulled out my chair like the perfect gentleman. Grinning at him, I kissed him and sat down between lake and Josh. Everything looked and smelled amazing, the twins loading my plate with a little bit of everything. When Jake passed my plate to me. I had to laugh because my burger was so tall I couldn't even pick it up, let alone get my mouth around it.

Guys, I love your enthusiasm at constructing my burger, but bigger isn't always better; there is no way that thing is going to fit in my mouth. All five of my guys burst out laughing while lamie and Sean looked at all of us, definitely not understanding what was so funny. I playfully glared at each of my guys before shaking my head. "We have dinner guests, do you think you guys can keep your minds out of the gutter for one meal." I scolded, catching each of their eyes one last time. A chores of" sorries" followed, and I smiled to myself as everyone focused on their food After dinner was over, everyone pitched in to clean up. Then Jamie and Sean excused themselves and went back downstairs. I flopped onto the couch. Jake, right on my heels, sat down next to me, linking our hands together. I turned a little so I faced him, tugging on his hand so he would look at me. lake, honey, what's going on?" I asked gently, giving him a reassuring smile. "What you went through really scared me," he admitted, I was so afraid that we were going to lose you. I love you so much, Emmy. I was just afraid, and now I just want to be close to you. I know it sounds stupid, but I feel like if I stay close to you, you will be okay, and I won't lose you." He said the last so quietly that I had to strain to hear him.

I promise, and if it makes you feel better being close by then do that, everyone will understand, and none of us are going to hold it against you." I told him pressing my hand against his face. With a shaky sigh, Jake pulled me into his lap, burying his head into my shoulder. Josh came around the couch just then, a worried look on his face as he looked at his brother Coming toward us, he stopped next to me. running a hand through my hair before placing a hand on Jake's shoulder. Jake looked up at the touch, doing that silent twin thing the two of them always did. Josh nodded and gave lakes shoulder a squeeze before tuming and giving me a kiss, Then, grabbing the remote from the coffee table, he claimed one of the recliners and began looking for something to watch. Slowly the others began trickling into the living room and claimed seats. Patrick chuse to sit on the other side

losing me was still evident by the way he held me. Knowing deep down that none of us would sleep well tonight without each other close, 1 the most right now. I could still see the shadows of guilt lingering in Patrick's decuted to be brave and tell them both what I

me tonight? I'm pretty sure I would not do well sleeping on my own." Both guys nodded in agreement. Patrick slid my legs off his lap and stood, holding a hand out to help me stand. Jake followed close behind, taking my hand in his again as soon as he was standing. Patrick gave me a gentle

disappeared upstairs. I turned to look at Jake, giving his hand a tug, he

door, I

Jake. "I promise I will be right here when you get back." After a moment, Jake nodded and with a squeeze of his hand, he was brading down the opposite hallway to his room. I entered my bedroom leaving the door open, and began searching for something to sleep in. I doubted Jonight would lead to sex, but I still wanted to look cute. After rummaging through my drawers, I found a cute black tank top and matching sleep shorts, they were lightweight, and when I pulled the tank top on, you could

and just finished brushing my teeth when lake knocked on the door. I held up a finger signaling him to give me a minute while I rinsed my mouth out, Drying my face I turned to find him lounging against the doorframe, waing me. I could tell the minute he noticed my pajanus, his eyes dipped down, Suging on my hard nipples that were clearly visible like cranial, and when I took step closer to hing, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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