Chapter 84

As we brought the last of the sides to the table, Patrick and Drew brought the ribs over. We all sat down, enjoying our meal as the vibrant colors of the sunset reflected off the lake. When I was done eating, I leaned back in my chair, closed my eyes, and just listened to the guys talk. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, and I turned my head, smiling at Mike as he leaned in and kissed my temple.

"Come sit with me?" Mike asked. I nodded and took his hand, which pulled me to my feet. He smiled before patting his lap. "Come sit, honey," Mike said, giving my hand a tug. I was more than happy to cuddle up with him since it was starting to cool down now that the sun had set. Relaxing into his hold, I rested, my head against his chest. The warmth of his body and the meal I had just finished made me drowsy, and the last thing I remember is the rumble of Mike's laugh at something Patrick had said.

I awoke some time later slightly confused as to where I was. Sitting up with a gasp, I realized I was in my room, on the giant bed the guys had made. The bathroom door was slightly ajar, and the sliver of light was just enough for me to see that I was alone. A few moments later, the bathroom door opened and Mike walked out, a towel wrapped around his waist. Glancing toward the bed, he saw me sitting up.

"Hey honey, I didn't wake you, did 17" Mik

Mike asked, coming over to the bed and sitting down next to me.

"No, I just woke up a little disoriented and it made me anxious, I admitted.

"I'm sorry honey. You fell asleep on my lap after dinner so I carried you upstairs to bed and tucked you in Mike stepped into a pair of pajama pants and climbed onto the bed next to me. Pulling me closer to him so I could lay my head on his shoulder, he promised I was safe, and that the rest of the guys would be up soon.

"Come on, Em honey, lay down with me; I promise I won't leave you alone, Mike promised, helping me lay down and covering us both up. He pulled me closer to him, making me the little spoon, and kissing my shoulder.

could see the others spread out across the rest of the bed. Content now that all my gays were with me. I laid back down. It was still too early to get up; the sun hadn't even risen yet. I slid back down under the covers

from sleep, and I rolled onto my back just in time to see Josh trying to climb out

giggling at

+10% Bonus

wake you," Josh said, pulling me in for a

Good 03:38

to elbow him in the stomach as I tried to get away. 1 froze when I heard his grunt of pain; turning to apologize, he held up his hand to stop me, and after a few seconds of wheezing, he caught

in understanding, but Josh could tell that I still felt bad for hurting him, so he pulled

ear; "now, where were we?" He growled as he rolled us, pinning my arms above my head, but still careful not to

than just tickling you," he promised as he pulled my sleep shirt up, leaving it bunched under my arms. He began to lightly run his fingers over my exposed

punish you. "Though you might

play with my nipples, alternating between sharp, stinging pinches and

your beautiful body.

breast into his mouth as he could, making me try mit at the sensation. I could feel him smile against my breast as he continued to suck harder, when he finally released my breast, I could see that he left several hickeys behind, and I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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