Chapter 99

We had all gathered in the living room once Mike had woken us up with the news of the missing boat. As callous as it sounded, I could have cared less about my missing mother. I was, however, concerned about my guys. They all sat around the living room, faces clouded with worry. Patrick called his parents when we showered and dressed, and they promised to come over immediately. I was sitting between the twins; Josh held my hand while Jake rested his head against my shoulder, fidgeting with my fingers. Jake had the most challenging time with this, and I kept checking on him. Drew, Mike, and Patrick were sitting close together, whispering. When Josh's phone alerted us that Patrick's parents had arrived, I tried to stand to let them in, but Jake tightened his grip on me. The unhappy sound he made caused me to cuddle closer to him. Josh leaned over, giving me a quick kiss before heading downstairs.

A few minutes later, Shannon entered the living room, her face written with motherly concern. She made her way around the room, stopping to give each of my guys hugs and murmuring words of encouragement. When she got to where Jake and I were cuddled, she sat on the coffee table, cupping Jake's face and patting my hand with the other.

"Oh my loves, Patrick's dads will do everything they can to find your parents." I nodded my head, giving her hand a squeeze of thanks. My worry about Jake and the others took up most of my concentration. Just then, Patrick's dads came in, and Patrick went over to greet them. I know it was silly that i was eighteen and legally an adult, but Patrick's parents being here made me feel like everything would be ok now that the adults were here. Over the next half hour, we all gathered around the dining room table downstairs, and Patrick's fathers began making phone calls while Shannon disappeared into the kitchen. I had tried to go with her, but Jake still wasn't letting go of me, so I just sat with him, offering as much comfort and support as possible.

Conner ended his phone call and went to where Patrick was sitting with Drew, Mike, and Josh, where he began speaking quietly to them. Drew's phone alerted again that someone was at the front door, and Michael stood heading to let in whoever was there. Within minutes, he returned with Jamie and Sean on his heels. Sean waited by the door while Jamie went to speak with Patrick and Conner before coming over to me. He sat beside me in an empty chair, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"I promise we will find them, lass," He said quietly.

I hope the boat is found for the

They quickly set everything down and began serving plates for everyone. I

last known location. They keep their eyes on things there and will let me know if anything happens. I'm also sending Jamie and Sean down to assist in the search and keep their eyes on

it. I need to call the base and let them know what's going on and see if we can get some emergency leave. Mike, come with me. As they headed down the hall, Josh took

Josh turned on the TV and handed Jake one of the game controllers to distract him. The twins began their game, and

1. me.

going to be

Jake," I admitted, and Patrick nodded in

probably he very attached to you for a while. Losing his mom at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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