Chapter 121

It's coll. Dark. Pitch black. The feeling of the cold metal restraint digging into the skin below my ankle pulled me back to reality. I lay frozen in place as my brain fought through the haze of drugs I had been injected with. The acrid taste of fear filled my mouth, and the sound of my rapid heartbeat. pounding in my ears was overwhelming.

I must have been here for a day, maybe longer. Time moves strangely when there is no way to keep track of it. My brain focuses on every sound, trying to convince me there is danger with every drip of water or creak of a floorboard With trembling hands, I slowly reached out into my pitch-black surroundings, hoping to find some clue where I was. I was lying on a thin, moldy-smelling mattress on the dirt floor. Slowly feeling around, I discovered. the mattress was pushed up against a coli cement wall. Turning, I pressed my back against it, hating the cold but feeling safer, knowing nothing could sneak up behind me. Is this part of their kidnapping plan? Leaving me in this dark, damp place, allowing my fear to grow until I'm so broken that I will go along with whatever they plan to do to me. At least I have time to clear my head from being drugged. The kidnappers had not knocked me unconscious, so at least I didn't have to deal with a concussion.

Carefully, I stretched my legs before me, wincing as my nuuscles protested. I ran my hand down the leg with the restraint on it, hoping to find some way to remove it, but it felt like solid metal with a chain attached. Tugging at the chain, I discovered that I had maybe three feet between where I was sitting and where it was attached to the wall. The smell of rot and mold is so strong down here that I gag several times.


My exploration was cut short when I heard footsteps walking above my head. I can't keep the fear from coursing through me. With trembling hands, I carefully set the chain down, afraid whoever was above me would be able to hear any noise I made. Carefully, I lay back down on the mattress, trying to control my racing pulse. Forcing myself to close my eyes, I focused on trying to slow my panicked breathing as the sounds above me grew louder.

I was startled by the door swinging open. There was no sound except for a quiet swoosh. When I saw a tiny sliver of light appear to grow, I squeezed my eyes closed and forced myself to relax, hoping whoever was coming down here would think I was still passed out. As I forced myself to stay quiet, two sets of feet pounded down the stairs and approached where I lay. Suddenly, a bright light flashed across my face, and it took everything in me not to flinch away from it.

A deep male

replied. I heard the sound of someone approaching and felt the toe of a boot nudge against my hip. I chanted in my head, "Don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move.

fight every instinct not to move. A hand traced around the hem of my shirt before sliding up under it and grasping my breast. I could not help jerking my body back when I

he could get any further, the footsteps above us made both men freeze. Then, a voice I never thought I

bitch. Em already going to lose thousands on her since she whored herself out to those boys she was living with. The boss wants her ready to earn money when he comes for her, not used and broken. So get the next round of drugs in her to keep her knocked out and get your asses up here. If I

sucked into a nightmare I can't wake up from. It's a horror movie with the creak of rusty hinges as the door swings open, admitting a monster I can't see clearly who stands before me, deciding what new pain he can inflict on me. I'm paralyzed by fear, not even able to scream as the

my father's voice. I can see his face now

his gaze d

dropping to my heaving

is nothing you can do." The monster with my father's voice laughs as he

in the fall because my mouth is full of the coppery taste of blood. I try

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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