Chapter 23 Your Woman Is With Me

After wandering for a while, Bella found herself back in the small town where she had lived with Dorothy before she was five.

This place was far from the bustling city, and it still had the same clear blue skies and fresh air as she remembered. It felt like nothing had changed.

After Dorothy passed away, her body was buried here, fulfilling her final wish. This was their birthplace, the place where both she and Dorothy were born, and also where Dorothy’s suffering began.

Returning to this starting point meant that she might never see Dominic again. It also meant that she would have to treat the past two decades as a long–forgotten dream. But fully waking up from that dream? That was easier said than done.

Fortunately, the house she and Dorothy had rented was still standing. The house came with a courtyard, and it had been renovated over the years. But the ownership had changed, and someone else was living

there now.

The house was quite large, enough to be rented out in parts. She had a special attachment to the place, so she managed to get the new owner’s contact information and called to inquire about renting a room.

After getting the owner’s permission, she went to the house to discuss it in person.

one answered.

When she arrived, the gate to the courtyard was open. She called out a few times, but no one After a moment’s hesitation, she stepped inside.

grapevine and the lush greenery were even more vibrant than

she had planted as a child was still alive. It had been pruned but had grown tall. It was blooming, as it was the

plants. It was almost funny to recall that she once dreamed of creating a perfect garden for Dominic. Now, looking back, it

lost in thought, a clear male voice sounded

a pair of

a tall, lean build and looked as if he had just gotten out of beu, holding a water cup in one hand and a toothbrush with toothpaste on it in the


Perhaps it was just that good looks were


a room. Do you here? Would it be

one else were

winked at

“Maybe I should keep looking elsewhere,” when he

a month, deposit and three months‘ rent upfront. Minimum stay

Your Woman to With

if you

the years, turning into a scenic area with

repeated her question, “So, do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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