Chapter 12 the 1tanned This


Heard This

Tella dan’t get a wink of sleep that night. By the time down broke, she had packed her bags and was ready to leave.

Before heading out, the

Leonard message to explain her situation. Since he was abroad and in a different time zone, she didn’t want to disturb him by calling.

To be surprise, Leonard called her right away. “Where are you planning to po

“Holha,” she responded. As soon as the word let her mouth, the realized she had sold him where she was going, and Dominic would soon find out about it,

Truthfully, she wanted to see Dominic, but she couldn’t. It would be best if they had never crossed paths–again in this lifetime.

before she left, Bella book one last look at the rose in the corner

Holh to save time. Even though she tried to catch some sleep on the

hotels Alter confirming her booking,

the terms quite enticing. Della didn’t doubt the text message in the age

saved the information and decided to get some shut–eye at the hotel before checking out the place in person the next day. Since she might be

had tumed to the quaint with nostalgia and high hopes

meet with a real estate agent, but to her

let herself

she and at the property, she began to wonder if it was too good to be true. This place could easily be worth double the price, and it would still be a steal. It was in a high- and neighborhood, close to a school,

was that she couldn’t sublet any of the rooms. Additionally,

though it was a really good deal, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off Plus, she suspected that someone

if there had been any accidents or incidents in the house, to which the landlord replied. “If you don’t want to rent, get lost! m’s your

or she would be

Hatha Simonched out. The first thing he said was, “You‘ in math already? why didn’t you tell me? I’ve been busy these past few days and didn’t get

here to mooch off you the already found a job and a place to stay.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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